On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 at 23:47, Tedd Sterr <teddst...@outlook.com> wrote:

> http://logs.xmpp.org/council/2020-03-11?p=h#2020-03-11-8d229823ff2ec504
> *1) Roll Call*
> Present: Zash, Jonas, Georg, Daniel
> Apologies: Dave
> *2) Agenda Bashing*
> Nothing to add.
> *3) Editor's Update*
> * ProtoXEP: Reminders
> * Expired calls: CFE on XEP-0066
> * Calls in progress:
>   - CFE: XEP-0184 (Message Delivery Receipts), ends: 2020-03-17
> *4) Advance XEP-0066 (Out of Band Data)* -
> https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0066.html
> Daniel: -1 (very little feedback)
> Jonas: -1 (a few sensible points brought up on-list - those should be
> addressed first)
> Georg: -1 (missed the CFE; pretty sure it's not There Yet)
> Zash: -1 (eh)
> Dave: [pending]
-0 - While I think the objections by others are sensible I'll avoid holding
a -1 against this and trust the judgement of others on when to allow it to

> Daniel thinks there seems to be a general lack of feedback on XEPs, and
> wonders why that is - does the community not know this is important? Jonas
> suggests discussing this in AOB.
> *5) Outstanding Votes*
> There are votes to made, though the one about to expire is vetoed anyway;
> see the Spreadsheet of Doom [1] for more details.
> *6) Date of Next*
> 2020-03-18 1600 UTC
> [For those who have recently participated in the customary bi-annual clock
> fiddling, this will appear to be one hour later than usual; normality shall
> resume after the 29th, when Europe catches up.]
> *7) AOB*
> Jonas was under the impression that there was above-average feedback
> during this LC/CFE spree; Daniel had been hoping for more feedback on
> XEP-0066 (Out of Band Data) and XEP-0398 (User Avatar to vCard-Based
> Avatars Conversion) - Jonas agrees that the amount of feedback was pretty
> low on these.
> Jonas is unsure how to find out the reasons for the lack of feedback.
> [Suggestion welcome.]
> Daniel would like to inform Council that the OMEMO issues should be
> resolved now - the GPL situation has been resolved, and there are more
> authors who are willing to incorporate feedback. Jonas had noted the
> extensive update, and is pleased to see that it now uses SCE.

Indeed, many thanks.

> Pep adds that, although the specification is no longer bound to the GPL,
> this doesn't necessarily mean that libraries are no longer under GPL
> (anyone wanting a non-GPL implementation may be required to do some work
> themselves).

Not that this would matter even if it were the case, but my understanding
is that taking Olm as a startpoint there is not much work to do.

> *8) Close*
> Thanks all
> [1]
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ANu9KGmNf2r-qpLYqF7NdJTtqA1GIu55rf2deKbM0GA
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