1) Roll Call
Present: Zash, Jonas, Daniel, Dave, Georg

Dave tries to speak ESMTP, but receives a 500 error response.

2) Agenda Bashing
Jonas assumes none.

3) Editor's update
* Expiring calls
  - CFE for XEP-0050 (ended on 2020-06-09)

4a) PR #959 (XEP-0156: reorganize stating XRD/JRD requirements) -
Georg isn't sure about this because it removes a "REQUIRED" and adds a "SHOULD".
Jonas isn't sure on the purpose of moving from "MUST XML" to "SHOULD XML" and 
"SHOULD JSON" to "MAY JSON"; thinks it seems odd because now clients 
effectively have to support both, since a service may opt to only do JSON - 
asks the author, Flow, for comment.
Georg might be fine with it if the new language is fixed and the old 
MUST/SHOULD are kept - Jonas and Daniel agree.
Flow agrees to change it, but didn't think the MUST was necessary given there's 
no feature negotiation for this; the intention was to prohibit JRD without XRD; 
now agrees a MUST is probably clearer.
Jonas cancels the vote and postpones it until next week.

4b) PR #598 (XEP-0050: Try to clarify usage of 'execute') -
Jonas, superpowered editor extraordinaire, added wording to the PR, 
specifically, a note discouraging use of the execute action
Dave thinks this is deep into 'least harm' territory, and will be interested in 
what others have to say.

Jonas: +1 (think this is the best we can do)
Daniel: [on-list]
Zash: [on-list]
Georg: +1
Dave: +1

Considering possible adoption, Jonas thinks the advancement vote should be 
postponed until after another CFE; Dave isn't sure it could be advanced until 
people at least believe (delusionally or otherwise) that they have implemented 
the new version.

5) Outstanding votes
Georg sent his votes earlier today, so everyone is up-to-date.

6) Date of Next
2020-06-17 1500 UTC

7) AOB
Regarding the Message Routing stuff, Jonas apologises for mixing up dates and 
proposing now expired time-slots; Georg still hasn't managed to select one. 
Jonas thinks Friday at 1600 CEST might be the best available option - Georg 
would be okay with that - Jonas will send an email.

Pep would like to sort out PR #949, but doesn't know what to take from the list 
thread - Georg took it as a general +1 with a hint to add a ".well-known" 
mapping. Jonas thinks Dave is correct in preferring to extend XEP-0068 (Field 
Standardization for Data Forms) to allow validation information, and that the 
Registry needs fixing.
Jonas suggests the best way forward would be to update XEP-0068 and then 
XEP-0157 - then the PR can stay as-is, and can be applied once 0068 has been 
Flow would like to suggest the Registry and its entries be viewed as 
extensible, instead of explicitly marking them, since this isn't limited to 
just data forms - Jonas is hesitant about that, but directs any extended 
discussion to the list - Dave counters that Registries are documents of record 
and, as such, have different rules (the same argument applies to the XEP 

7') Close
Thanks all.

Flow has updated PR #959.

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