* Ruslan N. Marchenko <m...@ruff.mobi> [2020-07-14 23:52]:
> The sections 7 & 8 are referring to RFC 6121 for message delivery and
> mentions the CC should be after delivery. In 7 kind of implicitly, in 8
> ambiguous, 'and' could mean 'and then' or 'and also'. The question is -
> what happens for unsuccessful delivery in 8, where often we don't even
> know whether delivery will ever succeed (eg s2s fails). 

I'm pretty sure that most implementations will send the "sent" carbon at
the moment when it is received from c2s, regardless of whether the
recipient is available or not, and IMHO this is the right behavior. You
sent a message from device A, you should see it as sent on device B as

However, delivery failures (message errors) will probably only be
reflected to the original sending client, not to all clients that
received the carbon, so we still have an inconsistency here.


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