1) Roll Call
Present: Zash, Daniel, Dave, Jonas
Apologies: Georg

2) Agenda Bashing

3) Editor's Update
* New ProtoXEP: Compliance Suites 2021
* LC for XEP-0411 extended until 2020-10-14 after the original extension got 
lost in the void

4a) PR #986 (XEP-0277: pubsub#type MUST be set in bare PubSub)
Zash points out that Daniel pointed out that XEP-0277 is Deferred, so there's 
no need to vote on this; Jonas agrees and moves this to AOB, as the author 
asked for guidance.

4b) PR #988 (XEP-0060: Add integer-or-max datatype to use with Data Forms 
Validation) -
Daniel is happy to accept this unless somebody really wants to put it somewhere 
outside of XEP-0060, but isn't sure if XEP-0122 (Data Forms Validation) would 
be a better option - Jonas doesn't think it would be. The other option would be 
a new XEP, but Jonas and Daniel believe that to be overkill. The author, Pep, 
did consider a new XEP just to define the type, and then to edit XEP-0060 to 
use it.
Pep thinks 0060 needs to be edited either way because meaning must be given to 
the type for each field using it - Dave thinks that seems right, so the 
registration may as well be in there too.
Zash wonders whether 'min' should be included too - the obvious assumption is 
this would be zero, if the type is unsigned - Pep confirms, unfortunately, the 
integer type is signed and infinite. Daniel can't think of a use case for 'min' 
and would rather not add something without an explicit use. Dave feels this is 
kind of detail-grinding that would be best done on the list; is fine with it 
not needing a 'min' (could be defined later if required.)
Zash checks that 'max' implies whatever the actual maximum is, even if later 
reconfigured - Daniel confirms, and likes that about it.

Zash: +1 (assuming the schema magic is sane; would be nice if the registry was 
Jonas: [on-list] (want to understand if that schema stuff is right first - gut 
feeling it isn't)
Daniel: +1
Dave: +1
Georg: [on-list]

4c) Proposed XMPP Extension: Compliance Suites 2021 -
Jonas: +1
Daniel: +1
Dave: +1
Zash: +1
Georg: +1

5) Pending Votes
There are a few remaining votes on PR #983, though it has been vetoed already; 
the author has since agreed with Council's alternative suggestion anyway.

6) Date of Next
2020-10-07 1500 UTC

7a) AOB i: PR #986 (XEP-0277: pubsub#type MUST be set in bare PubSub) -
Jonas still needs to read more into this, but maybe somebody else has an 
opinion; Zash's opinion is that this is good. It seems good to Daniel, but he 
isn't an expert on microblogging. Dave feels it should be a SHOULD, rather than 
a MUST, but would be curious what the authors of XEP-0277 (Microblogging over 
XMPP) have to say. The authors of Movim and Salut à Toi appear to approve.
Zash notes the #type field isn't particularly well defined - Pep, the author, 
notes that only 'payload type' is normative, and everything else appears in an 
Jonas queries the benefit of using pubsub#type - Pep says there might be 
multiple nodes using microblog on the same component; suggestions this might be 
used for filtering, or showing a pubsub node directory.
Daniel expects a SHOULD should be fine - Pep feels this change is useless 
without a MUST the moment something else makes use of atom in pubsub. Dave 
still feels it's a SHOULD, but if the experts think that would harm 
interoperability then MUST it is. Jonas suggests delegating this decision to 
the authors of XEP-0277.

7b) AOB ii: XEP-0393 (Message Styling) -
Jonas notes that this did not advance, and the author, Sam, disagrees with 
Dave asks whether Sam was an outlier, and did the community feel that Council's 
proposal was reasonable - Jonas is unclear, but there was a lot of discussion, 
which he was unable to read through; this has been hanging in LC for a while, 
and it would be preferable to sort it out before next Council's term.
Dave says our documents are meant to match the group consensus (both Council 
and Community), so if Sam is in the minority there's not much else to do, but 
if there's no consensus on a way forward then that's not much help.
Daniel requests a link to the thread - Jonas obliges [1] - Daniel doesn't 
recall there was a clear community consensus; some hate the XEP for not being 
XHTML-IM, but it's also not meant to be; Daniel wouldn't vote to reject it.
Kev feels there were some sensible suggestions around opt-ins to improve this 
as a less-than-perfect solution to an impossible problem, which should be given 
serious thought. Daniel thinks such changes, if desirable, could be made by 
taking over the XEP instead of rejecting it.
Pep would prefer that 0393 were given concrete shoes and taken for a diving 
lesson in the Seine.
Jonas thinks the best way forward is for Council to read through the thread and 
try to extract some average of the consensus to act on. Jonas will construct a 
multitude of votes for next week, around moving the XEP to Informational, 
taking ownership, and accepting or rejecting it.
Kev thinks the addition of 'unstyled' improves things significantly - Daniel 
agrees. Kev thinks there is still a strong argument for indicating when 
something is marked-up, not so much for opt-in as for knowing the mark-up is 
present, that it is (intentional) mark-up, and allowing it to be stripped; 
also, it wouldn't be bad to announce that it's marked-up.

8) Close
Thanks everyone.

Discussion of Message Styling rages on…


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