1) Roll Call
Present: Zash, Georg, Jonas, Daniel
Apologies: Dave

2) Agenda Bashing

3) Editor's Update
* Welcomed Martin Dosch as editor

4) Items for voting

5) Pending Votes
Georg has one for MR !25 (expiring next week) but hasn't managed to catch up on 
that yet.

6) Date of Next
2020-11-04 1600 UTC

[Note: DST has now ended in Europe, so the meeting is effectively one hour 
later for others; the USA catches up on Sunday.]

7a) AOB i: Election Season
Jonas notes that only Daniel and himself have re-applied for Council so far; 
wonders whether others intend to. Zash has often been too busy and/or exhausted 
to do anything interesting, and wonders whether it's worthwhile continuing - 
Jonas thinks Zash regularly provides valuable contributions to discussions, in 
addition to being the resident server developer - Zash hopes his current 
time-eating project will eventually come to an end and allow him more time. 
Georg would like to continue, but has also been battling a time-devouring 
monster this year; may apply at the last second in line with his year of living 

[If you are interested in running for Board or Council, please add a wiki page 
[1] about your candidacy by the close of business on November 8th, 2020.]

7b) AOB ii
Georg would like to add a <delay> element into the non-normative example of MUC 
subject delivery - Jonas is surprised there isn't one already. Georg expects it 
should be straightforward, although one could argue that it belongs in XEP-0203 
(Delayed Delivery) - Jonas believes it belongs firmly in XEP-0045 (Multi-User 
Zash thinks he might have seen this being done in the wild (or was it a dream) 
- asks whether Georg has seen anything - Georg was shocked to learn it wasn't 
present, particularly as he wanted to advocate this as a good practice. Daniel 
also found it lacking whilst trying to place the room subject chronologically 
into chat history.
Zash wonders whether the subject should go into the MAM archive - Georg 
believes subject changes should, but wonders whether they should expire along 
with regular messages.
Jonas would be strongly in favour of specifying that a delay element SHOULD be 
included, even outside of the example - Daniel is in support of this. Georg 
worries that would be a normative change - Jonas thinks clients will easily see 
whether the element is present, and those which don't expect it are doomed 
because it's already possible to include one. Zash is in support of this whole 
notion. Georg adds his support, just in case it's needed.
Jonas thinks someone should prepare some text, which he may do after this 

8) Close
Thanks everyone!

Jonas did a thing [2].


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