
This looks awesome :) Thanks for the good work !



Le 01/01/2021 à 22:38, Emmanuel Gil Peyrot a écrit :

On Sat, Jul 27, 2019 at 05:44:37PM +0200, Emmanuel Gil Peyrot wrote:

During the last sprint in Lyon[1] we worked on finishing the DOAP
proposal I sent to this list two years ago[2].

With now a few clients having written and published a DOAP file, it
feels like the right time to aggregate them on xmpp.org and start using
it in our projects.

I have made a pull request[3] towards that, so implementations can start
advertising their DOAP URL during renewal.  It may become a requirement
for further renewal at a later point, but this is entirely experimental
for now.

Comments welcome. :)

[2] https://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/standards/2017-August/033123.html
[3] https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org/pull/594
I have now written a proof of concept[1] of how the integration of our few
DOAP files would look like at xmpp.org, there is a backend which exposes
just the data we need, and a JS script which presents that on the
website, without any additional dependency.

The code is available here[2].  I haven’t tried integrating it with
Pelican yet, but it’s just one script tag to add to a single page, and
for the XEPs another script to add to the XSLT, so that shouldn’t be
much work if we decide to go with it.

Feedback welcome!

[1] https://linkmauve.fr/extensions/
[2] git clone https://git.linkmauve.fr/xmpp-doap.git

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