If you'd like to give a talk then record a presentation (e.g. slides/pictures & 
voice-over, or talking in front of the camera) of around 15-20 minutes, save it 
somewhere, and provide a title+link in this thread (to keep them together.)

I'd suggest trying to record it all in one take as if you were doing it live, 
if only to avoid spending too long trying to get it perfect (you can always 
edit out major mistakes afterwards, though too many jump cuts is worse than the 
odd slip-up.)

I will collect them on Wednesday (submissions before then, please!) and 
schedule them for Thursday and Friday. Inevitable late submissions will be 
slotted in somewhere. People may want to watch them beforehand, but I'll 
arrange 30 minutes per talk (20 for the talk and 10 for questions) plus some 
breaks in between.

The sum...@muc.xmpp.org MUC already exists and many of you are already there, 
so it makes sense to use that - talk givers should be present to answer 
questions during and after their talk.

The following week, I'll try to put together a digest of the talks and 
interesting questions for more media noise.

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