1) Roll Call
Present: Daniel, Zash, Georg, Jonas, Dave

Dave has definitely not just arrived from a secret gathering (which definitely 
did not happen) with a clandestine cabal (with which he definitely has no 
association) in a secret room (which definitely does not exist).

2) Agenda Bashing
Georg hopes it's possible to fit the extensive list of items comfortably into 
half an hour.

3) Editor's Update

4) PR #1041 (Update mix namespace for XEP-0406 and XEP-0408) -
The Editor requests guidance on whether this requires a namespace bump in the 
two XEPs, since it changes which elements are allowed/expected in the affected 
PubSub nodes - Dave thinks this looks like an errata correction, so no. Editor 
ponders the implications for namespace bumping in future modifications of 
XEP-0369 (Mediated Information eXchange (MIX)) - would it propagate through the 
whole stack of MIX XEPs?
Daniel thinks this particular PR is fine, but isn't sure if the same will apply 
to others - Jonas agrees - Daniel adds that since the XEPs are Experimental, 
the authors are free to make radical changes.
Georg asks whether it makes sense to bump all MIX elements together - Jonas 
says that's the ultimate question, and will probably need to be judged per 
case. Georg will just continue to pretend that MIX doesn't exist.
Daniel doesn't expect it will be possible to namespace bump MIX once it's 
widely implemented - Jonas thinks it's useful during Experimental, at least.
The author of the PR, Mathieui, notes that the namespace bumps are primarily to 
help avoid confusing implementers, as MIX has seen increased interest lately.

5) Pending Votes
There are none.

6) Date of Next
2021-03-10 1600 UTC

7) AOB

8) Close
Thanks everyone.

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