1) Roll Call
Present: Zash, Jonas, Daniel, Georg
Absent: Dave

2) Agenda Bashing

3) Editor's Update

4) Items for Voting

5) Pending Votes

6) AOB
Jonas considered giving a protracted speech summarising every detail of Council 
business from the past year, but decided not to drag this out unnecessarily 
(and to avoid tears.)
Georg thinks it was a great term, and thanks everybody.
Jonas would like to note that only one of the 40 Council votes expired [2.5%], 
compared with four of the 95 in the previous term [4.2%], which is a slight 
improvement [60% is slight?], so that's nice.
Jonas thanks all for their attendance, insight, and votes; is sorry to see some 
go, but can fully understand it.
Zash thanks Jonas for chairing - Jonas takes a bow, and hopes to find someone 
(else) to do it for the next term.
Georg compliments Jonas on doing a great job as Chair, with structure and 
preparation [as any self-respecting German should appreciate] - it was a great 
pleasure; Georg dreams of providing a similar level of quality someday.

7) Close
Thanks everyone!

Zash now feels obligated to finish the heap of half-done XEPs he started over 
the last few years.

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