Jonas has had enough of Editor work is resigning - good!

If the rest of you reading this are feeling outraged that I would say such a 
thing - GOOD!

Now, before anyone jumps on me to say "How dare you say this! Jonas has worked 
tirelessly and done a superb job, and we'd be lucky to find anyone half as 
good," you are absolutely correct - he has and we would. Jonas has been 
extremely diligent, done amazing work, and put in far more time than he should 
have while doing what is largely a thankless task, even if the end result is 
appreciated. So, I have no doubt that I speak for everyone when I say thank you 
very much for everything. However, that doesn't change my point.

The Process (Editor or otherwise) should not fall apart because one person 
needs to take a break. Everybody needs a break from time-to-time, everybody 
_should_ take a break from time-to-time, and they should not have the guilt of 
'allowing' things to fail just because they need a change of scenery. No single 
person should be carrying all of that responsibility. The Editor process has 
been broken for some time and, despite repeated calls for help and "can we fix 
this?", little has changed. Jonas has covered up many of these deficiencies 
with manual work which he really shouldn't have even had to waste time doing; 
somebody else stepping up to sacrifice themselves on the same altar will not 
fix this. It needs to change.

So, Jonas, please take a break. Please walk away. Things will break - they 
should break. And you should not feel any guilt, shame, or remorse. This is a 
good thing that needs to happen because it won't get fixed until it's broken 
and causes inconvenience; while it can still be patched up with a little spit 
and manual work, it will, and so the problem persists.

Jonas has provided a convenient list of issues in need of solutions; I suggest 
anyone concerned by the impending doom should direct some effort towards 
remedying the situation. Anybody with strong opinions on automating a process 
who is not involved in maintaining that process can shut up.

We all have other responsibilities and this is voluntary for most of us, so the 
usual "I don't have spare time for that" will apply, but where does Jonas 
magically get all of this extra spare time to continue covering for the issues 
that the rest of us don't have the time to fix? It benefits us all, so we can 
all spare a little time to get it fixed.

P.S. For anyone else feeling burnt-out, please take a break - do something 
else; try a new hobby; go for a walk; stare at the clouds - the things you left 
will be right where you left them when (or if) you decide to return. The past 
few years have been difficult for everyone, for cumulative reasons; even if 
COVID hasn't affected you directly, it has had knock-on effects which most 
likely have - so feel no shame in needing to take the time to step away and 
take a breath until you feel fresh and motivated.

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