I think there may be some confusion and we're not even disagreeing about the 
same things; so, I'll state my thoughts more clearly.

The original sender of a message stanza SHOULD give it id=UUID. Unfortunately, 
this wasn't a requirement in the RFCs, so now we have various hacks to try to 
deal with that because we can't just fix the problem while maintaining 

In the case of MUC messages, the original sender IS the MUC, and not the 
client. The client sends its message to the MUC, and that message SHOULD have 
its own unique id, but the message which the MUC forwards to participants 
SHOULD be a new message with its own new unique id. But the client wants to 
cross-reference the message it sent with the one it receives, and so the MUC 
SHOULD also insert an origin-id with the client's original message id (only in 
the message it forwards to that client.)

Now, the above SHOULDs are my own preferences for an ideal world where we could 
have nice things, whereas in reality we maintain compatibility and add 'just 
one more' id in the hope it solves things.

In the above ideal world, MUC message ids can't be spoofed because they are 
assigned by the MUC itself. The MUC doesn't even need to care what id a client 
used because it assigns its own new id to any messages it sends - if a client 
does duplicate one then it only confuses itself in the origin-id (and nobody 
else sees that.) I understand that is effectively what you're trying to address 
with stanza-id, and it is a valid solution.

What I'm less sure of is the benefit 'by' actually brings in practice. If there 
are multiple stanza-ids then it obviously serves to differentiate them, but why 
the need for multiple? The client's id is the origin-id (so it can 
cross-reference with its archive) and the MUC's id is the stanza-id (so it can 
be referenced for reactions, etc.) Carbons shouldn't need yet another id.

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