Le dimanche 2 juin 2024, 21:33:55 UTC+2 Marvin W a écrit :

> I think Experimental became a high bar not because of the Council, but
> because the processes don't match what people like to use during their
> early development and prototyping phase. However this is the phase
> where feedback is easiest incorporated.

I'm not arguing in one direction or the other, just providing feedback based 
on my experience: for a couple of years, I've had to implement specifications 
that were entirely off the XSF circuit, but were really useful or de facto 
standards (e.g.: early OMEMO). This is terrible because you have to know about 
them or search for them, the website hosting them can be down at any time, and 
there is no standard workflow.

This is currently the case for at least the following:

- A way to encrypt XEP-0320 fingerprint for old OMEMO (https://gist.github.com/
iNPUTmice/aa4fc0aeea6ce5fb0e0fe04baca842cd), which is important for achieving 
real end-to-end encryption with clients that only support legacy OMEMO.

- A new version of DataChannel signaling (XEP-0343), which I'm only aware of 
because I've discussed it on xsf@ (https://gist.github.com/iNPUTmice/
6c56f3e948cca517c5fb129016d99e74). This is not even a specification, it's an 
XML dump.

- XEP-0447: Stateless file sharing, where great improvements have been 
discussed for multi-files support and backward compatibility, but they are just 
discussions on xsf@ history so far.

- Some interesting Auth mechanisms, notably OAuth on Ejabberd (https://
docs.ejabberd.im/developer/ejabberd-api/oauth/#ejabberd-listeners), and I 
think Prosody has also done work in this area.

And probably others.

Note that I'm not blaming anyone for this situation. I know how much work it 
is to write a XEP, even a small one, and everyone is busy. Most of this work 
is done on a volunteer basis.

However, the result is a mess. It would be easier to have everything in a 
single place, even if it's not perfect or final (again, that's what the 
"Experimental" workflow is for). I'm also worried about implementing stuff 
on snippets scattered around the internet, or missing super interesting 
features because they are not properly specified or I'm not aware of them.

I'm not sure what the best solution for this is, but I wanted to provide my 


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