> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 17:37:00 -0600
> To: stdcxx-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Taking tasks for STDCXX-391
> Hi, I am new to this list. I am a colleague of Martin Sebor, and I am
> going to start working on some of the tasks in his JIRA 391. I will be
> creating subtasks for the items listed in this JIRA and addressing them.
> If someone could tell me how to go about assigning myself to a new
> subtask I would appreciate it. I created one for adding copyright
> notices, but could not figure out how to assign it to myself.

Hi Marc,

From the Jira manual it sounds like you need to have the Assign Issues 
permission in order to assign issues, and that the Jira administrator decides 
who gets to have that permission. I also don't have this permission but so far 
I haven't had the need for it so I'm afraid I can't offer any suggestion for 
how to go about obtaining it.


-- Mark

> Regards,
> Marc Betz

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