>Mark Brown wrote:
>In my experience, the time_get facet isn't always able to 
>reliably parse international times and cannot parse every time 
>string produced by the time_put facet.

Yes, I see two different problems here. You can generate output with 
time_put<>::put for which there is no matching time_get<> method for parsing 
that data. What I mean is that you can easily format "%S %p" onto the stream, 
but there is no method in the time_get<> facet for reading that formatted data 
back. The stdcxx implemention provides an extension that allows you to do this, 
but it's an extension.

The other problem is the one that I'm more concerned about.

>I don't remember ever 
>having problems with spaces though.

Yeah, that is the problem. It is my interpretation that this is a requirement, 
but I'm not sure that anyone agrees with me on this. I don't really see the 
point in defining a system for input/output of times and dates if you can't 
read in the values that you write out.

>On Linux at least, stdcxx 
>has no problems skipping leading space in time strings.

That is inconsistent with what I'm seeing. [see partial failure lists below]

>locale and what operating system does it not do so for you?

Well, so far I've only tried linux/gcc and win32/vc8 both with their native 
Standard C++ Library implementations and with the stdcxx implementations. I get 
failures in each of them with various locales. I attached my testcase to 
another post in this thread [http://tinyurl.com/2qp7py]. Here is a spew 
including a few failing locales for each configuration...


  string= 7.06.1908     locale=Croatian
  string= 7.06.1908     locale=Czech
  string= 7/06/1908     locale=Dutch_Belgium
  string= 7.06.1908     locale=Estonian
  string= 7.06.1908     locale=Finnish
  string= 7/06/1908     locale=Greek
  string= 7.06.1908     locale=Icelandic
  string= 7. 06. 1908   locale=Slovak
  string= 7.06.1908     locale=Slovenian
  string=06/ 7/1908     locale=Swahili
  string= 7-06-1908     locale=Dutch_Netherlands
  string= 7/06/1908     locale=English_Australia
  string=06/ 7/1908     locale=English_Zimbabwe
  string= 7/06/1908     locale=French_Belgium
  string= 7/06/1908     locale=Portuguese_Brazil
  string= 7.06.1908     locale=Swedish_Finland
  string=03:02:01       locale=Afrikaans


  string=1908/06/07     locale=Afrikaans
  string=1908-06-07     locale=Albanian
  string=07.06.1908     locale=Belarusian
  string=07.6.1908 π.   locale=Bulgarian
  string=7.6.1908       locale=Croatian
  string=7.6.1908       locale=Czech
  string=07-06-1908     locale=Danish
  string=7.06.1908      locale=Estonian
  string=7.6.1908       locale=Finnish
  string=1908. 06. 07.  locale=Hungarian
  string=7.6.1908       locale=Icelandic
  string=1908.06.07.    locale=Latvian
  string=1908.06.07     locale=Lithuanian
  string=07.06.1908     locale=Norwegian
  string=1908-06-07     locale=Polish
  string=07.06.1908     locale=Romanian
  string=07.06.1908     locale=Russian
  string=7. 6. 1908     locale=Slovak
  string=7.6.1908       locale=Slovenian
  string=1908-06-07     locale=Swedish
  string=07.06.1908     locale=Tatar
  string=07.06.1908     locale=Turkish
  string=07.06.1908     locale=Ukrainian
  string=7-6-1908       locale=Dutch_Netherlands
  string=1908-06-07     locale=French_Canada
  string=07.06.1908     locale=French_Switzerland
  string=07.06.1908     locale=German_Austria
  string=07.06.1908     locale=German_Germany
  string=07.06.1908     locale=German_Liechtenstein
  string=07.06.1908     locale=German_Luxembourg
  string=07.06.1908     locale=German_Switzerland
  string=07.06.1908     locale=Italian_Switzerland
  string=07-06-1908         locale=Portuguese_Portugal
  string=07-06-1908     locale=Spanish_Chile
  string=7.6.1908       locale=Swedish_Finland
  string=3.02.01        locale=Italian_Italy


  string=07/06/08      locale=thai
  string= 7.06.1908    locale=bg_BG
  string=07/06/08      locale=lo_LA
  string=07/06/08      locale=th_TH
  string= 3:02:01      locale=aa_DJ
  string= 3:02:01      locale=aa_ER
  string= 3:02:01      locale=aa_ET
  string= 3:02:01      locale=am_ET
  string= 3,02,01      locale=bg_BG
  string= 3:02:01      locale=om_ET
  string= 3:02:01      locale=om_KE
  string= 3:02:01      locale=so_DJ
  string= 3:02:01      locale=so_ET
  string= 3:02:01      locale=so_KE
  string= 3:02:01      locale=so_SO
  string= 3:02:01      locale=ti_ER
  string= 3:02:01      locale=ti_ET


  string= 3:02:01      locale=aa_DJ
  string= 3:02:01      locale=aa_ER
  string= 3:02:01      locale=aa_ET
  string= 3:02:01      locale=am_ET
  string= 3,02,01      locale=bg_BG
  string= 3:02:01      locale=om_ET
  string= 3:02:01      locale=om_KE
  string= 3:02:01      locale=so_DJ
  string= 3:02:01      locale=so_ET
  string= 3:02:01      locale=so_KE
  string= 3:02:01      locale=so_SO
  string= 3:02:01      locale=ti_ER
  string= 3:02:01      locale=ti_ET
  string=03:02:01 AM   locale=tl_PH

>-- Mark

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