Andrew Black wrote:
Farid Zaripov wrote:
  Because of that the filebuf example always fail with DIFF status on my
(the manual/out/filebuf.out is a symbolic link to manual/filebuf.cpp,
but on windows
the content of this file is just single line: "link ../filebuf.cpp").

  I surprized how this example runs with status 0 in nightly builds.


Greetings Farid.

The reason the filebuf test succeeds in nightly testing is an artifact
of the build process.  The sources are synced down on a linux system,
and then compressed using the jar utility.  This compressed archive is
then expanded by the nightly testing system when a build is performed.
Somewhere during this process, the symlink (on unix) is turned into a
real file, containing the expected input.

Yet another problem caused (or masked in this case) by using jar...


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