Travis Vitek wrote:
>It seems that this change would cause some potentially serious problems
>in two different cases.
>  1. _TypeT is a UDT with an implementation of operator& that returns
>something that isn't convertible to a pointer type. [compile error]
>  2. _TypeT is a UDT with an implementation of opreator& that returns
>something convertible to pointer, but the returned value is not the
>address of the object. [runtime error]
>I see no reason that either of these cases would not be legal. I think
>you should be using the allocator_type::address() to get the physical
>address of a given object.
>Here is a simple testcase that illustrates the compile failure that was
>introduced with this change.

FWIW, it appears that this problem exists when calling other methods of
std::vector<S>. The vector implementation uses the function templates
std::uninitialized_copy() and std::uninitialized_fill(), both of which
require that the iterator types 'have operator* return an object for
which operator& is defined and returns a pointer to T' [20.4.4 p1].

I think this is another bug. Martin?

If so, I'll file it seperately. Here's the testcase for those who are

#include <vector>      // for vector

struct S
   void operator& () const {};

int main (int argc, char** argv)
   const S s [3];

   std::vector<S> v;

   // this is just a compile test, it is not intended to run

   v.assign (1, s [0]);
   v.assign (s, s+3); (0);
   v.back ();
   v.begin ();
   v.capacity ();
   v.empty ();
   v.end ();
   v.front ();
   v.insert (v.begin (), s [0]);
   v.insert (v.begin (), s, s+3);
   v.insert (v.begin (), 2, s [0]);
   v.erase (v.begin ());
   v.erase (v.begin (), v.end ());
   v.max_size ();
   v.pop_back ();
   v.push_back (s[0]);
   v.rbegin ();
   v.rend ();
   v.reserve (10);
   v.resize (10);
   v.size ();
   std::vector<S>().swap (v);

   return 0;

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