For dynamic libs, use /Fd to point to a DIFFERENT file name, because
that source-code .pdb is unrelated to the resulting binary .pdb that
results from link /debug /opt:ref (otherwise indistinguishable from
link /release but for massively useful information :-)  I've taken
to calling these /Fd"Release\libapr_src" where _src is a different
collection of pdb info from the libapr-1.pdb that corresponds to a dll.

For static libs, I've taken to compiling all the lib's sources into
a /Fd pdb named for the static lib, so that they move nicely together.
E.g for apr-1.lib static library, /Fd"Release\apr-1" gives us a nice
source-code pdb.

Once apr-1.lib+apr-1.pdb have been link /debug 'ed into a resulting
binary, neither is interesting anymore, so these are very much for the
library consumer.


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