Travis Vitek wrote:

Farid Zaripov-2 wrote:
Travis Vitek wrote:

I have no objections. Either way, I need to look at both sets of messages regardless of where they come from. So, for me, moving the Jira messages to a new -issues list doesn't have any significant impact.

I guess it might be useful for users with 'dumb' e-mail clients that don't have proper message filtering.
  My +1 for the change.

  I'm using the MS Outlook and filtering the JIRA messages by the
in subject. But any reply to jira messages with "Re: [jira]" in subject
filtered also :( And Outlook dosn't provide the possibility to make more
flexible rule :(


I don't know how the infra group will set this up, but I wouldn't expect the
addition of a new list to fix this problem for you. All generated messages
from jira would come from the user that modified the case and be sent to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] list. Any response would appear the same. This is
how it works now.

This, btw., is pretty extensively configurable in Jira. stdcxx
is subject to the STDCXX notifications Scheme that I set up for
us back in 2005 when our Jira was first created.

The latest documentation that explains how this works is here:

I suspect you may not be able to view the stdcxx notifications
page w/o Jira admin access but here it is anyway:!default.jspa?schemeId=12310060

Here's our current setup for those who can't access the page,
with Events first and the set of available Notifications below
(defaults in parens):

Issue Created  (System)
    * Reporter
    * Single Email Address (

Issue Updated (System)
    * Reporter
    * Current Assignee
    * Single Email Address (
    * All Watchers

Issue Assigned (System)         
    * All Watchers
    * Single Email Address (

Issue Resolved (System)
    * Current Assignee
    * All Watchers
    * Reporter
    * Single Email Address (

Issue Closed (System)
    * All Watchers
    * Current Assignee
    * Single Email Address (
    * Reporter

Issue Commented (System)
    * Reporter
    * Current Assignee
    * All Watchers
    * Single Email Address (

Issue Comment Edited (System)
    * Current Assignee
    * Reporter
    * Single Email Address (
    * All Watchers

Issue Reopened (System)
    * Single Email Address (
    * Reporter
    * All Watchers
    * Current Assignee

Issue Deleted (System)
    * Single Email Address (

Issue Moved (System)
    * Single Email Address (

Work Logged On Issue (System)
Work Started On Issue (System)
Work Stopped On Issue (System)
Issue Worklog Updated (System)
Issue Worklog Deleted (System)
Generic Event (System)

Also, I believe that Outlook rules allow you to make a rule handle this
situation. You just add an exception to your rule that checks for the
strings "RE:" or "Re:".


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