Shai, Instead of the property that the CTS scheme is a tweakable cipher
for 128+k bits, it looks sufficient, that any ciphertext bit is
dependent on at least 128 plaintext bits (in encryption), and every
plaintext bit is dependent on at least 128 ciphertext bits (in
decryption). If you could prove that this dependence is of complexity
comparable to an LRW operation, we were done. -Laszlo

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Security of ciphertext-stealing
> From: Shai Halevi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, December 15, 2005 3:34 pm
> Here is an ascii drawing of Don's proposal (just so that I can refer
> to these notations later). LRW(x) means LRW with tweak value x:
>      P_I        C' P_{I+1}
>       |             |
>       v             v
>   +---------+  +---------+
>   |  LRW(I) |  | LRW(I+1)|
>   +---------+  +---------+
>       |             |
>       v             v
>     C_I  C'       C_{I+1}
> (You may want to output C_I after C_{I+1}, but that's irrelevant for
> security.)
> The "security feature" that I was hoping to get for blocks of "odd size"
> is that the transformation
>    (P_I P_{I+1}) -> (C_I, C_{I+1})
> looks like a tweakable block cipher with blocks of size |P_I|+|P_{I+1}|
> and tweak value of I.
> The ciphertext-stealing construction above clearly does no have this
> property (since C_I does not depend on P_{I+1}). One can then ask the
> following questions:
> (a) What security property IS archived by this construction? (And can we
> prove it?)
> (b) Is the difference between what the above achieves and the "tweakable
> block" notion something that we should worry about? Does it translate to
> an attack in any realistic model?
> I still didn't have enough time to think about it to answer any of these
> questions (I'll try to do it within a week or two). But I thought that
> it is worthwhile posting these questions here, so other can try to think
> about them as well.
> -- Shai

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