Title: RE: p1619 (disk): Security concerns of LRW and an alternative mode

> This document discusses ways to attack LRW through algebraic weaknesses in

> the Galois Multiplier.  This attack becomes strong if Key2 (K2) looks

> similar to the plaintext (e.g. if K2 is an ASCII password).  The result of

> this attack is to leak 128-bits of plaintext for each detected collision

> (similar to ECB mode).    A covert channel within LRW is discussed.

> Lastly, an alternative mode is proposed that eliminates these weaknesses.

Matt Ball's alternative mode has merit and should be given some consideration.

Regarding Shai's comment:

> I strongly disagree that these are security issues. LRW (like pretty much

> every crypto algorithm) needs random keys. If you use it with keys that

> are not random, you deserve what's coming to you. There are many

> established ways to derive cryptographic keys, and all of them are

> adequate also for LRW.

Needing random keys is insufficient in my opinion Simply saying "pick keys at random" is not a solution if weak keys under the current LRW proposal exist.  An advantage of Matt Bells proposal is that this potential weak key issue is bypassed.

chongo (Landon Curt Noll) /\oo/\

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