I am a relative newcomer here, so I hoped someone else would reply to
the XEX and TBC questions, as I don't know if it was discussed earlier
and what was the consensus.

I see a slight disadvantage in minimal hardware implementation: we have
to use the AES engine to first compute T, while in LRW we have to use a
Galois multiplier, which could be made faster. Especially, at
decryption, where T needs AES encryption but the data has to be
processed with AES decryption. Therefore, LRW has few clock cycles less
latency. I don't think it is a serious problem, though, since the
expanded AES key could be cached after power up for the whole key

The advantages of XEX, which would matter more, are the shorter key and
smaller, cheaper hardware (reuse of AES = no Galois multiplier).

TBC also sounds appealing. Although the first cipher blocks in LBAs
still do not dependent on other blocks, all others do, which reduces
data leakage if an attacker can periodically inspect the raw data on
disk (what we should prevent with proper authentication). The problem
is that TBC, as other chaining schemes, is not parallelizable. For
speed we might implement 4 AES engines to work in parallel. We could
break the LBA up to four (consecutive or interleaved) regions and
process them concurrently, but the result would be different from the
standard. We cannot predict in the standard if a HW implementation
calls for two, four, eight or even 32 AES engines. It is possible to
attach a byte to the key, telling how many encryption streams have to
run in parallel, but it involves a negotiation phase, since a
particular disk drive might support only one value. We could also leave
it entirely to the HW (allowing any number of streams in the standard).
In my view, there is no interoperability requirement for disk drives,
so the number of streams does not matter. For data recovery, the disk
parameters should be available, which include the LBA size and now, the
number of parallel encryption streams.


> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: XEX and LRW-TBC
> From: Mart Sõmermaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, January 06, 2006 9:06 am
> To: stds-p1619@listserv.ieee.org
> -- SECTION 1: XEX ---
> Has SISWG considered using XEX as specified in [Rog04] instead of LRW
> for the
> tweakable narrow-block encryption standard recommendation?
> XEX is a general-purpose provably CCA-secure tweakable block cipher, and
> like
> LRW, an instantiation of the class of tweakable block ciphers described in
> [LRW02]. XEX is the primary building block of OCB mode. It has many
> advantages
> over LRW, see below.
> We will use XEX as specified on page 4 of [Rog04]. XEX is a general-purpose
> algorithm, a concrete application for sector encryption follows.
> Let a 512-byte sector with index N be divided into 32 plaintext blocks p_i,
> i = 0..31 (16 bytes each). Let E_K(.) and D_K(.) denote AES encryption
> and decryption
> with key K. The transformed tweak T will be
>     T = 2^i * E_K(N)
> where i in [0 .. 31] is the block index in the sector. Sector will be
> enciphered as follows:
> T_0 = E_K(N)
> for (i in [0 .. 31])
>     c_i = E_K(p_i + T_i) + T_i
>     T_(i+1) = T_i * 2
> where c_i are ciphertext blocks, = is assignment, * and + are
> multiplication and
> addition in the field GF(2^128) respectively. Sector will be deciphered in a
> similar manner:
> T_0 = E_K(N)
> for (i in [0 .. 31])
>     p_i = D_K(c_i + T_i) + T_i
>     T_(i+1) = T_i * 2
> Multiplication by two will be carried out as specified in the SISWG EME
> document
> ("two" is actually the second element of the field GF(2^128)). Addition is
> equivalent to XORing.
> Note that E_K(N) is only calculated once per sector, thus XEX-AES is not
> significantly less efficient than LRW-AES. But we avoid the inconvenience of
> implementing general multiplication in GF(2^128) and can use a
> single key.
> Summary benefits (in comparison with LRW):
> - provably secure,
> - as efficient as LRW,
> - single key,
> - only utilizes multiplication by "two", XOR and cipher calls,
> - parallelizable,
> - probably unencumbered by intellectual property issues. NOTE: Phillip
> Rogaway
>   has filed a patent on OCB, of which XEX is a subroutine. Even if the
> patent
> extends to XEX, a free licence is available for GPL-licenced
> implementations. On
> the other hand, it is unlikely that mr Rogaway will claim IP rights
> on XEX, as it is a Liskov-Rivest-Wagner cipher and they have made no IP
> claims on the theoretical construction XEX is directly based on. However,
> this needs clarification.
> --- SECTION 2: LRW-AES-TBC mode ---
> If XEX is of no interest, has the working group considered using tweak
> block chaining
> mode as specified in [LRW02] as the standard for LRW implementations?
> That considerably increases the security of LRW, creating a CBC-like
> scheme that
> alleviates the "LRW has more data modification leakage than CBC" problem
> previously
> pointed out by Adam J. Richter in [Richt04].
> --- References ---
> [LRW02] M. Liskov, R. Rivest, and D. Wagner. Tweakable block ciphers.
> Crypto'02
> 2002.
> [Rog04] Phillip Rogaway. Efficient Instantiations of Tweakable
> Blockciphers and
> Refinements to Modes OCB and PMAC. Asiacrypt 2004.
> http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/~rogaway/papers/offsets.html
> [Richt04] Adam J. Richter. LRW has more data modification leakage than CBC?
> http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/1619/email/msg00242.html

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