Hi Everyone,

Here is a proposal for a method to transform a 256-bit key using the 
3-byte IEEE OUI (universal vendor ID) for the 1619.1 spec.  This is 
based on "Option 2" from the "Re: p1619.1 document (tape), draft 
version 0.4" thread, and was originally proposed by Jim Hughes.  
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments!  If this 
looks like a good approach, I'd like to propose we add this to the 
1619.1 standard.

IEEE 1619.1 AES Key Transform

Each 1619.1-compliant device shall transform the 256-bit User Key 
(provided by the host) into a 256-bit Device Key, which shall be 
used by the device for the GCM or CCM algorithm.  Here is the 
key transform algorithm:

        DeviceKey[255:128] = AES-Enc_TransformKey1(UserKey[255:128])
        DeviceKey[127:0]   = AES-Enc_TransformKey2(UserKey[127:0])

        TransformKey1[255:248] = 0x01
        TransformKey1[247:224] = Unique IEEE OUI code (see below)
        TransformKey1[223:0]   = Vendor Unique Information

        TransformKey2[255:248] = 0x02
        TransformKey2[247:224] = Unique IEEE OUI code (see below)
        TransformKey2[223:0]   = Vendor Unique Information

All numbers within brackets indicate bit positions, with bit 255 
on the left and bit 0 on the right.  All numbers shall follow the 
Big-Endian convention, in which the most-significant bit (bit 255) 
corresponds to the lowest address.

In general, this algorithm uses the AES (Advanced Encryption 
Standard) block cipher, along with two "Transform Keys", to 
generate a "Device Key" from the host's "User Key".  This requires 
two AES operations because the block size of AES is 128 bits, but 
the Device Key is 256-bits long.

Each vendor or format technology shall use a unique 3-byte IEEE 
OUI code.  See <http://standards.ieee.org/regauth/oui/index.shtml> 
for information on creating a new OUI code.

In addition to a unique OUI code, each vendor may provide up to 24 
bytes of "Vendor Unique Information" that can be further used to 
differentiate product lines or individual pieces of media.  Any 
unused bytes shall be set to zero.  If a media ID is included within 
the "Vendor Unique Information", it is recommended that the device 
also write this information to the media in plaintext.

If a particular format or technology is part of a greater consortium, 
then the consortium should either pick a particular vendor as a 
sponsor of the technology, or create a new IEEE OUI code that 
describes the technology or format.

Discussion of the IEEE 1619.1 AES Key Transform

Goals for the transform:
1) Provide a random permutation of the User Key to mitigate the risk 
   of the same key being used in two different 1619.1 compliant devices 
   manufactured by two different vendors.  Otherwise, it is not possible 
   to ensure that the two vendors use a different Initialization Vector 
   (IV) (a.k.a. nonce).
2) Reduce the probability of creating weak keys
3) Maintain full entropy of the original 256-bit User Key.

The proposed transform meets these goals for the following reason:
1) By using a unique vendor ID (3-byte IEEE OUI), the result Device Key 
   only has about a 1 in 2^256 chance of matching that of a Device Key 
   created using a different vendor ID.  This is sufficient for the chosen 
   security level.
2) Because the output of the AES block cipher is indistinguishable from 
   a random number, the probability of accidentally creating a weak key is 
   no greater N in 2^256, where N is the number of weak keys in the AES 
   cipher (currently, there are no known weak keys in AES).
3) Since the AES cipher is a random permutation, there is exactly one 
   output for each input.  For this reason, there is no entropy loss.

There are two different transform keys so that if UserKey[255:128] == 
UserKey[127:0], then the DriveKey[255:128] will not generally equal


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