Hi All,

Just a couple comments on the minutes:

I think the minutes missed my other, more important action item, which 
is to draft a specification for ensuring uniqueness of IVs between
vendors.  This will either be accomplished through a key derivation
using the NIST FIPS 800-90 standard, or through a high-entropy (minimum
of 96-bits) IV.

Also, the second attendee from Quantum was Greg Unruh.


Matt Ball
Embedded Software Engineer
Quantum Corporation
4001 Discovery Drive, Suite 1100
Boulder, CO 80303
(720) 406-5766

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Fabio
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:00 PM
Subject: P1619: 2/23 Meeting Minutes

P1619, P1619.1 Meeting Minutes

Conference Call held on February 23rd, 2006 from 7AM to 2 PM


Gideon    Avida        decru
Matt      Ball        Quantum
Shai      Halevi        IBM
Laszlo    Hars        Seagate
Eric      Hibbard        Hitachi Data Systems
James     Hughes        StorageTek
Glen      Jaquette    IBM
curt      Kolovson    HP
Fabio     Maino        Cisco
Garry     McCracken    Kasten Chase
Richard   Moeloer        Neoscale
Dalit     Naor        IBM
Landon    Noll        Neoscale
Jim       Norton        JSNorton
Serge     Plotkin        Stanford
Doug      Whiting        HiFn
Rob       ewan        kasten chase
Dave      Peterson    McData
Graham    Andrew        Quantum (Not sure I've got this name right).

Meeting is called to order at 7:05 AM

Jim makes patent stament by posting patent slide to the list.

Landon Noll raises objections on Serge's affiliation at last meeting. 
Gideon Davida declares Serge was not working for Decru at last meeting. 
Serge declares he was working for Stanford.

MOTION A: Fabio moves to approve the meeting minutes, Serge seconds.
Minutes are approved by roll call: 8 yes, 1 nay (neoscale), 0 abstension.

Jim Norton (JSNorton) joins after this vote


7.40 Document progression

8.00 Discussion on Disk Draft 4 p1619
- additional algorithms to be considered
- has this to be considered an interchange Standard
- Next Steps

11.00 Wide block encryption modes (1619.xyz)

12.00 Tape
- key transformation proposal
- membership of .1 != from 1619
- non combined modes
- IV optional size greater then 96

2.00 Review of action items
Motion B: Fabio moves to approve the agenda, Landon seconds and group 
approves by acclamation.

7:50 Document Progression

If document is approved by the working group for editorail review, once 
back from IEEE editorial board will be subject to ballot by a letter 
ballot committee. There'll be a call for creasting the ballot commitee 
as a public process. Comments are aligned by companies, Voting is done 
by membership to IEEE. All letter ballot comments shall be addressed by 
either being accepted ot rejected by the letter ballot commitee.

Dave Peterson, Dough Whiting, Curt kolovson, Matt Ball join the meeting. 
This makes a total of 14 members with voting rights

8:15 Discussion on Disk Draft 4 p1619

The group discusses how this standard leads to interoperability, as 
stated in the first para of section 1.1. There are different opinions 
around the table, one point that finds some agreement is that the 
standard is required, but not sufficient for interoperability. Goal of 
the standard is best practices, and also to provide required but not 
sufficient directions for interoperability.

AI #1, Serge Plotkin and Eric Hibbard: propose a re-phrasing of 
import/export wording in section 1.1, third para. Eric will co-ordinate 
with TCG at this purpose. Laszlo suggests to remove the word "ensure" 
from the wording. (by march 24th)

Discussion on additional algorithms and modes that could be added to 
1619. These modes can be added later to the standard as 1619.xyz. Laszlo 
points out that access control, combined with this standard, would 
provide a better security and would relax some of the requirements for 
LRW (i.e. a simpler mode would be required if we assume protection 
against unauthorized acces to raw data stored in the disk). More broadly 
Laszlo points out that this standard would not benefit some of the 
companies in the industry because where access control is taken care of, 
there are cheaper mechansims to implement encrytpion that would provide 
securty against the threats covered by 1619.

Motion C: Laszlo  moves that the committee will consider additional 
modes of operations including, but not limited to, those which assumes 
access restriction and/or do not have the limitation of length 
preservation", Landon Noll seconded. Motion passes in a roll call with 
12 yes, 0 nay, 0 abstain, and 2 not present.

AI #2 Laszlo: propose extension to 1619 that address his concerns (hby 
march 24th).

Group discusses how to move forward the current draft. Jim suggests that 
there are still some issues pending on the document but some editorial 
issues could be addressed during the editorial review. Landon reinforces 
that this is close to what we need, but there are still issues that 
needs to be discussed before editorial review to simplify the letter 
ballot process.

Motion D: Jim makes the motion that "1619 D4 will be submitted to IEEE 
for editorial review. Additional changes, if any, must be approved by 
the committee before the letter ballot". Motion approved: 10 yes, 2 nay, 
2 not present. JSNorton and Neoscale voted no, because they felt we 
would have done better by addressing the issues that are still open 
before sending the doc to editorial review. In their opinion this could 
complicate the comment resolution process. Discussion occured later in 
the day, and Heric Hubbard said that he would have voted yes, if present 
at the motion.

AI #3, Serge Plotkin: forward the 1619 draft 4 to IEEE for editorial 
review. (by March 10th)

AI #4, Jim Hughes: Prepare Letter ballot for 1619 (by march 17th)

12:00 Wide Block Encryption Modes
The idea of a patent unencumbered wide block encryption mode may become 
attractive again, given that 4kb blocks are now possible. Jim proposes 
to prepare a PAR (to be duscussed on the reflector) for a wide block 
encryption modes.

12:30 Tape Encryption
Matt Ball from Quantum proposed on the reflector a mechanism for nonce 
collision avoidance for different vendors based on HMAC in conjunction 
with IEEE OUI. On top of that one could optionally add a media-ID 
(serial number), but this could be kept optional. An issue with 
serial-number media-ID can be purposedly impersonated and lead to 
attacks. It would be nice to have the serial number as optionally 
required. There's also a mode where the IV is random. 

AI #5, Matt Ball: write text that clarifies implications of key material 
quality on the security of the protocol. This is not going to be part of 
the normative section, but rather in the appendixes. (by march 17th)

Discussion on type of key derivation. Matt pointed to an IETF draft for 
key derivation in the work. Jim suggested we checks what Nist thinks 
about it. Serge suggests that NIST key derivation standard is used 
instead (NIST 800-90).

Landon proposes to allow IV larger then 96 bits (with a reasonable upper 
limit). The advantage being that one can use a better entropy source and 
a wider IV space (i.e. to offset non optimal random number generators). 
There's a significant optimization for 96 bit IV in GCM, then larger IV 
should be optional.
 Need to make sure that the spec specifies that the original IV has to 
be written on tape, not the result of the GHASH function used to derive 
the nonce for the GCM machine.

Gideon pointed out that there're applications where you want to 
authenticate the tape without reading. This might require a different 
mode of operation where encryption and authentication keys are separated.

Next meeting (conference call) after we get 1619 back from editorial 
review. Tentatively Thursday May 4th, from 8 to 2.

Meeting is adjourned by acclamation at 2 PM.


AI #1, Serge Plotkin and Eric Hibbard: propose a re-phrasing of 
import/export wording in section 1.1, third para. Eric will co-ordinate 
with TCG at this purpose. Laszlo suggests to remove the word "ensure" 
from the wording. (by march 24th)

AI #2 Laszlo: propose extension to 1619 that address his concerns (by 
march 24th).

AI #3, Serge Plotkin: forward the 1619 draft 4 to IEEE for editorial 
review. (by March 10th)

AI #4, Jim Hughes: Prepare Letter ballot for 1619 (by march 17th)

AI #5, Matt Ball: write text that clarifies implications of key material 
quality on the security of the protocol. This is not going to be part of 
the normative section, but rather in the appendixes. (by march 17th)


Motion ->     A    B    C     D
HP            np        np    np
IBM           y         y     y
McData        np        y     y
HiFn          np        y     y
Hitachi       y         np    np
Cisco         y         y     y
Kasten Chase  y         y     y
decru         y         y     y
StorageTek    y         y     y
JSNorton      y         y     nay
Neoscale      nay       y     nay
Seagate       np        y     y
Quantum       np        y     y                               
Stanford      y         y     y

np: not present

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