Matt, I am good with your proposed changes to my proposed changes except
perhaps removing / changing the limits on the length of plaintext P.  I
would like to hear what others on the reflector think the ramifications
might be.


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Ball [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 6:12 PM
To: Garry McCracken; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: IEEE 1619.1 draft 4 (tape) Comments and feedback

Hi Garry,

I've got a couple comments for the suggested changes you sent out

> All, below are some comments and feedback on IEEE 1619.1 
> draft 4 (tape):
> Encryption blocks need not correspond to media records:
> The standard should not constrain the location or technology used for
> the encryption. It should support hardware or software based 
> solutions,
> and it should support encryption in the tape drive, in the 
> application,
> or at any point in between. 
> The standard should not assume that the encryptor even knows about
> media-record boundaries, only that it knows about writing to 
> and reading
> from VB-media. In particular, the VB-records handled by the encryptor
> may or may not correspond to physical media-records. 
> Propose that "media-records" be referred to as just "records"
> throughout. 

I agree.  I've changed all instances of 'media record' to 'record'.
Furthermore, it makes sense to not refer to a 'VB-Drive', but rather
a 'VB-Device'.  In this context, a device is any combination of
software, firmware, or hardware that supports the 1619.1 standard.
I believe T10 uses the term 'device server' instead of 'drive' for 
a similar reason.

> Propose that bullet 3 in section 3.1 be reworded to: 3.1 "Plaintext P
> shall have a length from 1 to 2^24" 

It might be better to not impose any limit, but rather let the
application define a limit.  16 MB is a customary limit in SCSI tape
drives, but we don't necessarily need to specify this limit in 1619.1.
I believe the CCM spec limits the plaintext to at most 2^64 bytes.
We should probably change the upper limit to 2^64.  A particular
implementation may impose other limits, as appropriate.
(If we allow 'authenticate-only', we'd also have to allow for zero bytes
of plaintext.)

> Propose that bullet 3 in section 4.1 be reworded to: 4.1 "Plaintext P
> shall have a length from 1 to 2^36-32 bytes". 

I removed the 'record' language from this statement.
(Again, if we're supported 'authenticate-only', we need to support zero
bytes of plaintext.  I'll change that)

> Propose to strike "the third bullet above shall not encrypt a partial
> media record with a separate IV and authentication tag, and" from
> section 3.1. Propose to strike "the last bullet above shall 
> not encrypt
> a partial media record with a separate IV and authentication tag, and"
> from section 4.1.

I think it still makes sense to prevent encrypting partial records.  
We just have to make it clear that the records we're referring to are 
not necessarily media records.

> Nonce requirement for counter modes causes implementation 
> complexities:
> The counter mode requirement for a guaranteed unique nonce seems to be
> leading to an ever-increasing complexity to avoid repeated nonces.
> Perhaps the standard should allow for an authenticated mode based on a
> different underlying block cipher, such as LRW augmented with 
> the Galois
> authentication used in GCM (GLRW).   A GLRW like mode would also allow
> for more efficient implementations at the application. 

I believe that a 'GLRW' mode would be more complex that the existing
GCM mode.  By taking a little care with IV management, it should be
possible to sufficiently close that particular hole.

> Authenticate-Only should be optional:
> The Authenticate-Only Mode should be optional. 
> Implementations need not
> support it to be compliant. 
> Propose that section 2 be modified to state: "Support of
> Authenticate-Only mode is not required to comply with this standard."

Agreed.  I'll update the document to reflect this. 
> Not about interoperability: 
> The standard is not about interoperability, and should simply avoid
> preventing it. That is, it should be possible for vendors to cooperate
> to create interoperable solutions that are IEEE 1619.1 compliant but
> this is outside the scope of the standard.   
> Propose that the statement "(and to a lesser extent interoperability)"
> be removed from section 1.1

Statement removed 
> Typos: 
> There are a few places in the document where there are typos 
> or missing
> words:
>       - On page 1, isn't it "AAD - Additional Authenticated Data" (not
> Additionally)
>       - On page 3, under "Interoperability", there is a word missing
> between multiple" what? Vendors? Implementations? Drives? 
>       - On page 5, first paragraph, the web-page is "at the Computer
> ...", not "as the ..."

Changes made.


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