Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry® -----Original Message----- From: Djati S Djarkapi <djat...@yahoo.com> Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 06:06:44 To: BSriyanto Salamoen SH PIJ<bsriyan...@yahoo.com>; SUNARTO YUDO Narpodo SH LLM<sunarto-y...@ascolaw.com>; Ani Sekarningsih GRM<a...@uninet.net.id>; SB Djatnika Ir IT<djatn...@bakrietelecom.com>; ADI Warsito<pinan...@yahoo.co.id>; Dodi Pryambodo MBA<dodi...@yahoo.com>; Mulya Supardi Ir PI<mulya_soepa...@yahoo.com>; Bob Widyahartono MA<bobwi...@cbn.net.id>; Lasmono Dyar<lasmonod...@big.net.id>; Bob Lowe<yan...@bigpond.net.au>; HMIsmadun Soemowardojo<hmismadunsoemoward...@yahoogrups.com>; Andy Nugroho HMISM<andyn...@gmail.com>; Andarini Rini SH Yasiman HMISM<andarini_...@yahoo.com>; TOMI UTOMO USA<tom...@yahoo.com>; Dumadi Pilot Adi<adi_dum...@yahoo.com.sg>; Lp3Indonesia AsiaWorks<lp3indone...@yahoogroups.com>; Power Of Mind<the_power_of_m...@yahoogroups.com>; Dana Satya Sumarsono ST<dana.sa...@gmail.com>; Satya Dharma SE Akt Nugraha Sumarsono<satya.dharma.nugr...@gmail.com>; Sumarsono Wuryadi GRM LrRM<sumarsono_wury...@yahoo.com>; Setya Iswanti SE LIPI<set...@yahoo.com>; Iswahyudi Mariman Ir. MM HMIS<iswahy...@geosindo.com>; Romo Damar<damarharjoti...@yahoo.com>; Ir Sarsito Ghaib W Subroto MM<gaib2...@yahoo.com>; Sutris Setyadi - Saryono<su...@ybb.co.id>; John Harwood Pugsley ICL<joh...@dps.centrin.net.id>; Ian<ian.opt...@gmail.com>; Ismail Ishaq PhD GRM<ismail.is...@gmail.com>; Ati Imam<ati_i...@yahoo.com.sg>; SUPARMONO DASIRUN Ir MM<sdasi...@yahoo.com>; Suparmo SIAR SSI<suparmo12...@indo.net.id>; Augustine Sahetapy RMI<augustinesahet...@yahoo.com>; Anna Frederika RMI<anna_freder...@yahoo.com>; Raweyai mr<daniel_jn...@yahoo.co.id>; Emmalia RMI<emmalia_...@yahoo.com>; Emmylia RMI<emmyli...@hotmail.com>; Linda Sadikin<linda.sadi...@yahoo.com>; Jerry Tan<logse...@singnet.com.sg>; Leo Samuel Tombeng RMI<leosamu...@yahoo.com>; Ibrahim Frost RMI<ing.fr...@gmail.com>; TONY Hutagaol Ir<tony_hutag...@yahoo.com>; Djoko Santoso Moeljono PhD<dsmg...@yahoo.com>; Soni MBA<sedh...@yahoo.com>; Anies Baswedan PhD<rek...@paramadina.ac.id>; Dr I Wibowo UI<i.wib...@ui.edu>; Wibowo Brodjonegoro Ir<wibowo...@yahoo.com>; Aryati Lukas PIJ<aryaticamelia_lu...@yahoo.com>; Atika Walujani MSc Kompas<a...@kompas.com>; Eko Sulistiono MM<e...@elexmedia.co.id>; pijoggingclub yahoogroups.com<pijoggingc...@yahoogroups.com> Subject: Fw: INCREDIBLE PENCIL DRAWINGS OF ANIMALS THAT LOOK LIKE PHOTOGRAPHS
A HK painter PAUL LUNG (38) drawing superb photo realistic animal images with 0.5 pencils, in A2 papers, for 40 - 60 hrs after working hrs. INCREDIBLE PENCIL DRAWINGS OF ANIMALS THAT LOOK LIKE PHOTOGRAPHS > >Photo: beautifullife >There are some people in artistic circles who are incredibly gifted, and this >Hong Kong artist is certainly among the best in the world. His images are >black and white >, but not for dramatic effect. That is just the way he likes it. >Photo: beautifullife >Believe it or not, these stunning images are not photographs - they were drawn >using only one pencil. These incredibly realistic images show the humble >pencil at its best, and are so exceptional that they can detail the fine hairs >of a cat and the wisps of a beard. While most people use a pencil only so they >can easily erase any mistakes they make, Paul Lung often spends up to 60 hours >sketching out his latest work of art. >Photo: beautifullife >His works include stunning photo-realistic images of cats with lifelike fur >and impressive drawings of friends and family. He even has to make videos of >his work to make people believe they are not photographs. Despite taking so >much time on each piece, the 38-year-old has to fit his hobby around his day >job as a graphic artist. >Photo: beautifullife >"I have loved to draw all my life but I especially like to draw graphite >realism drawings," said Mr Lung from Hong Kong. >Photo: beautifullife >"Each one will take about 40 to 60 hours and I will draw when I get back from >the office after work for about three to four hours a day." >Photo: beautifullife >"Most of my drawings are A2 size and all are done using a 0.5mm technical >pencil. I like graphite realism drawing because I can use just one single >pencil to create millions of different textures." >Photo: beautifullife >With a talent as prodigious as this, it is small wonder that Lung's images can >be found all over the world. How on earth such minute, even photographic >detail can be produced by simply putting pencil to paper is a truly wondrous >thing. I will happily hang these 'photos' on my walls. They would grace any >art gallery worth its salt. What an artist! >Photo: beautifullife -- Anda menerima pesan ini karena Anda berlangganan grup "Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi YKPN Yogyakarta" dari Grup Google. Untuk mengeposkan pesan ke grup ini, kirim email ke stiey...@googlegroups.com. Untuk berhenti berlangganan dari grup ini, kirim email ke stieykpn+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. Untuk opsi selengkapnya, kunjungi grup ini di http://groups.google.com/group/stieykpn?hl=id.