Global TrendsCorporate IT Spending Set to Rebound – In a Big Way



Corporate investment in technology is now farther below trend growth than
it has been at any point in the last 50 years. But there is relief in
sight. Credit Suisse's technology analysts are forecasting a boom in
technology spending over the next four years as corporations finally open
their wallets again.
[image: Corporate IT Spending Set to Rebound – In a Big Way]

In times of turmoil, the chief financial officers of the corporate sphere
tighten their hold on the corporate purse. The first line item to get
squeezed is usually advertising and marketing. Then hiring. Then spending
on information technology. When things start looking up again, they usually
loosen that hold, and the money starts flowing once more. At least that's
what usually happens. But when one crisis follows another as has happened
of late – first the financial crisis, then the European debt crisis, then
the US fiscal cliff – the CFOs of the world can turn perpetually stingy.
Technology companies, in particular, have been feeling the pain of that
stinginess of late. But there's relief in sight.
Spending on Technology Peaked in 2000

Corporate investment in technology is now farther below trend growth than
it has been at any point in the last 50 years, despite the fact that
American non-financial corporations are sitting on an enormous cash pile of
nearly 1.5 trillion US dollars. In fact, as a percentage of GDP, corporate
spending on technology peaked at 4.6 percent in 2000, but by last year, it
had declined to 1995 levels at about 3.4 percent of GDP. But all that is
about to change. Credit Suisse's technology analysts are forecasting a boom
in technology spending over the next four years as corporations finally
open their wallets again to buy new software, servers and even the
endangered species of the technology world – PCs. And it's not just Credit
Suisse: According to data from Gartner, a technology industry research
firm, growth in enterprise technology spending in 2014 will be more than
double that of 2013 – 3.6 percent compared to this year's 1.7 percent. And
it will keep heading up, increasing 4.1 and 4.2 percent in 2015 and 2016,
[image: Growth of enterprise IT spending (YoY, %)]

Growth of enterprise IT spending (YoY, %)


Outlook is Optimistic

The forecasts come in the context of a steadily improving economic
backdrop. US economic growth has been steady, if not exactly impressive,
and the EU announced its first positive GDP growth in six quarters this
month. Corporations are certainly feeling more optimistic. A portion of the
Philadelphia Federal Reserve's Business Outlook Survey that tracks firms'
capital expenditure expectations over the next six months has been climbing
since late last year. The Conference Board's CEO confidence survey jumped
15 percent in the second quarter, and 60 percent of chief executives said
they thought economic conditions would improve in the next six months.
Credit Suisse expects the healthier global macroeconomic backdrop to
encourage corporations to start spending in general – and not just on IT.
So what's to say that corporations will spend on technology, rather than
M&A or share buybacks or anything else? For one thing, they've said so.
Periodically, the Credit Suisse Executive Panel polls 100 corporate
executives about their spending plans for the next six months. Between last
November, when the previous survey was taken, and July, the category that
experienced the fastest growth in executives planning to increase spending
was IT, beating out employee wages, machinery, travel and advertising.
Corporates Need to Adapt to Technology Trends

There's an urgent need to upgrade technologies, too, that will only serve
to enhance that rebound. Credit Suisse has been saying for more than a year
that new technologies are proliferating so quickly that corporations simply
cannot afford to keep postponing investments. In an in-depth report last
year, Credit Suisse Global Head of Software Philip Winslow wrote that the
average lifespan of an application package is about 10 to 15 years.
Existing corporate tech infrastructure is running up on the end of that
cycle – and starting to show its age. "The underlying need for corporates
to adapt to the newer trends in technology has been very high," said Manish
Nigam, Credit Suisse's Head of Technology Research for Non-Japan Asia. "The
last real investment cycle in tech happened in the run-up to the tech
bubble in 2000. Since then, the technology world has changed substantially
with smartphones, tablets, social networks and widespread mobile data
connectivity changing the way businesses interact with consumers and their
employees." Specifically, Nigam said, corporations need to invest in
hardware to stay on top of the continuing move to cloud computing, which
involves using shared servers, as well as centralized computing, in which
the technology in all of a company's offices are run from the same
datacenter. Corporations also need to upgrade both hardware and software to
adjust to a new reality in which employees are increasingly working from
multiple devices, particularly mobile ones. "A vast amount of corporate
infrastructure is still wire-based, whereas the demand for wireless access
has increased significantly," Nigam and his team wrote in a note at the
beginning of this year called "Asia Technology Strategy: Another Year of
Outperformance." All of the above changes also point to increases in demand
for both storage and enhanced digital security, Nigam said.
[image: US tech spending relative to non-residential investment (%)]

US tech spending relative to non-residential investment (%)


PC Sales Stabilizing

Nigam and his team expect the restart in spending growth to begin with
software and IT services, which make up 59 percent of enterprise spending.
Indeed, revenue growth has already been revived at the top five Indian IT
companies – Infosys, Tata Consultancy Services, Cognizant, HCT Technology
and Wipro – prompting earnings upgrades in the last quarter. Sales of
computers, printers, servers and additional storage capacity will lag
software and services, but they will pick up in time, possibly even
boosting the fortunes of the beleaguered PC market. In fact, the
precipitous decline in corporate PC sales is already showing signs of
moderating. After declining 10 percent year-over-year in the first quarter
of 2013, total commercial PC sales stayed flat on a quarter-over-quarter
basis in the second quarter, implying that sales could be stabilizing. And
PC companies are expecting even better performance in the remainder of this
year. That's not nearly enough hard data for investors to run out and
invest in PC companies, Nigam said, but things are at least moving in the
right direction.
[image: Revenue growth (USD, for top five Indian IT services companies)]

Revenue growth (USD, for top five Indian IT services companies)


The way large corporations have been spending on technology over the last
decade, you'd never know that a huge burst of innovation and change had
been taking place. But of course, it was. Now that the smoke of the last
several years of crises has cleared, technology watchers are increasingly
confident that corporate IT budgets will get back on track - and on trend -
and at least for some tech companies, it's going to be just like the old
times again.


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