*Indian Scientist Explains Why We Shouldn't Drink Coke..*

(Link to the article)

*Indian scientist explains why we shouldn't drink Coke*

*While the fizzy cola drink is loved by most people in the world, an Indian
scientist has now shown what Coca-Cola does to your body up to an after you
gulp it down, and it is not good.On his blog Truth Theory, Niraj Naik has
outlined the health issues and alarming findings, News.com.au
<http://News.com.au> reported.*

*In the first 10 minutes, a person consumes around 10 teaspoons of sugar
(100 per cent of your recommended daily intake), and though the level of
sweetness should make one vomit, the phosphoric acid cuts the flavor
allowing one to keep it down. This phosphoric acid is harmful for the
teeth.After 20 minutes, the body's blood sugar spikes giving an insulin
burst and the liver responds by turning sugar into fat. Caffeine absorption
is complete by 40 minutes after which pupils dilate, blood pressure rises,
and as a response liver dumps more sugar into bloodstream.The adenosine
receptors in the brain get blocked preventing drowsiness.After 45 minutes,
the body ups a person's dopamine production stimulating the pleasure
centres of the brain, which is physically the same way heroin works, and
after an hour the caffeine's diuretic properties come into play. The buzz
dies down and person starts to have a sugar crash.Seeing how people
following strict low fat diet were gaining weight was what pushed Naik to
investigate Coke, and wrote that fructose was the form of high fructose
corn syrup, found in most processed foods and most people are totally
unaware of its danger."Many fruits also contain fructose, but nature has
provided the antidote, as these fruits are also packed with fibre which
prevents your body from absorbing too much of it."He added that there were
1.6 billion servings of Coke everyday all over the world, and if people
cared about their heart, health and mind then they shouldn't reach for that
bottle of Coke.*

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