Deciphering the future

Tata Elxsi has been blending technology, creativity and engineering to help
customers transform ideas into world-class products and solutions. *Nick
Talbot*, the company’s global head of design and innovation, offers
insights into the cutting-edge technology being developed in Tata Elxsi’s

*How does Internet of Things (IoT) relate to Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Do you see an intersection of AI and IoT?*
IoT, AI  and big data, to add to the mix, are technologies that are
inseparable. We can split IoT in two broad areas – the communication (of
things) and the intelligence backbone. The challenges of communication –
mobility, energy efficiencies and interactions of ‘things’ – have already
been overcome, enabling a highly scalable network which can be now
deployed. AI helps fill the most important value generating product in the
chain – deriving intelligent products out of IoT.

The large-scale data crunching capabilities, enabled today with cloud
computing technologies, makes it possible to put AI into real time and
makes practical problem solving much easier. Without the value provided by
the ‘intelligence backbone’, IoT has no meaning. AI goes beyond traditional
analytics and provides statistical dashboards for humans to interpret and
decide. AI will take IoT into levels of automation that were never possible

Smart elements of smart cities that can learn about for example, energy
consumption patterns daily or seasonally, and then predict energy loading,
network losses, improvements and other factors. AI is helping optimise a
macro system through the capture of individual IoT devices, like kettles,
fans, AC units, etc.

The intersection of IoT and AI is the exact area where our customers are
being led to create disruptions with their IoT strategy, from chip makers
to service providers.

*What is your business strategy to grow in the IoT space?*
We believe that IoT drives fundamental changes in the way products are
conceptualised by manufacturers and utilised by customers. In the new
paradigm, products serve as an extended platform to provide services to
customers. We have a platform-centric approach which we take to our
customers in various vertical market segments. The approach is
three-tiered, wherein the basic layer consists of all the infrastructure
components that constitute a wide variety of IoT applications, including
multiprotocol sensor aggregation – joining things up in a seamless way.

The second layer is a domain-centric layer, which has components that we
proactively identify through extensive research and innovation. The third
layer is where we encourage customers to develop the aspects that will
uniquely help them differentiate in the markets they operate in. In
addition to the broader theme of smart cities, telehealth, fleet management
and connected car are some of the important verticals that we are focusing
on right now.

*What are your new services around IoT and what are the opportunities for
it in the Indian market?*
We see high potential in the areas of telehealth, building automation and
industrial automation. To cater to this growing demand, we have developed
domain-centric layers for these sectors over our existing bespoke IoT
platform called ‘Tether’.

Tata Elxsi has been working on telemedicine since the last decade, during
which its adoption and demand has spiked. Some of the areas of excellence
are: video conferencing, connectivity protocols for device data
transmission, remote monitoring of vital signs. Tata Elxsi provides either
support or the complete telemedicine solution (hardware to software;
platform-centric approach) for physician’s outreach to remote facilities
and clinics. This helps the doctors remotely diagnose, monitor as well as
prescribe the medical care.

*Could you tell us about the futuristic automotive solutions showcased by
Tata Elxsi at the VDI-Electronics in Vehicles (ELIV) Congress in Germany? *
Tata Elxsi showcased the following solutions:

   - *Driving towards the future - ADAS to Autonomous Car: *Enabling driver
   assistance solutions for customer projects with sensor fusion technologies,
    ascending towards autonomous driving through extensive R&D initiatives.
   The company is developing integrated solutions for both the in vehicle and
   off board systems that will be required to permit reliable, safe and
   ‘unhackable’ autonomous systems.
   - *Amalgamation of technologies - Connected Car: *Providing scalable
   infotainment frameworks and V2X solutions by integrating
connectivity, multimedia,
   secured gateways and multimodal user interfaces like touch, voice and
   - *Unique user experiences: *Designing intuitive, futuristic and
   advanced user interfaces for electronic cockpits by integrating features
   that minimise driver distraction. Developing the future of user interface
    and experience design as we move towards autonomy – mobile
   entertainment and passenger connectivity will become even more important as
   the landscape of in car activitychanges.
   - *Adoption of standardised software architecture*: Services integration
   partner for OEMs and suppliers in implementing AUTOSAR compliant solutions
   and making legacy systems compliant to AUTOSAR.

*In April 2013, Tata Elxsi launched the strategy and media consulting
services for the media and entertainment industry. What have been your
significant contributions in this space?*
The media and entertainment practice focuses on providing consultancy
inputs on technology selection, workflow optimisation, quality of
experience strategy and enabling OTT. Some of the examples are ad revenue
operation strategy for leading US MSO, middleware vendor supplier
consultancy for leading MSO in India, India’s first 4K content enabled STB
consultancy for both Indian 4K operators.

We are also exploring opportunities in multi-channel networks where all of
our technology solutions and experience design, including HMI and
interface, can be brought to bear in this emerging entertainment space.

*What role does Tata Elxsi see for itself in the Government of India's
'Digital India' and 'Smart Cities' programmes?*
Tata Elxsi’s contributions to the Bengaluru Metro prove how simple
solutions can solve big problems. With the signage project for Bengaluru
Metro, we were able to create a brand identity for the metro and a scalable
solution. After projects with the Bengaluru international airport, Mumbai
T2 terminal, Chennai Metro and Mumbai’s monorail, Tata Elxsi is involved
with the Kochi Metro project.

The Kochi Metro is actually a smart city project and we’re working with
existing infrastructure to offer additional value added services and
enhance the overall customer experience. In a sense, we are already deeply
involved with a ‘live’ smart city project.

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