Author: drewbai
Date: Tue Apr 28 20:45:07 2009
New Revision: 769529

Log: (empty)


Modified: incubator/stonehenge/trunk/stocktrader/dotnet/BuildDotNet.cmd
--- incubator/stonehenge/trunk/stocktrader/dotnet/BuildDotNet.cmd (original)
+++ incubator/stonehenge/trunk/stocktrader/dotnet/BuildDotNet.cmd Tue Apr 28 
20:45:07 2009
@@ -13,45 +13,28 @@
 @Echo  Known Issues
 @Echo    1. ON some VMs There will be errors on closing after BSL and 
trade_client. Does not effect functionality of the build
 @echo Update the source. This assumes you have your Tortose/SVN functional.
 TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:"." /closeonend:3
-...@echo Set path to your visual studio
-...@rem set buildPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 
-pushd %VS90COMNTOOLS%
-cd ..\ide
-set buildPath=%cd%
-...@rem If you need help with REM Help: >"%buildPath%\devenv" /?
-...@rem Command line usage:
-...@rem devenv solutionfile.sln /build [ solutionconfig ] [ /project 
projectnameorfile [ /projectconfig name ] ]
+...@echo Build the solutions. This assumes you have your .Net3.5 installed.
+:: delims is a TAB followed by a space
+...@for /F "tokens=2* delims=   " %%A IN ('REG QUERY 
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\3.5" /v 
MSBuildToolsPath') DO SET MSBuildToolsPath=%%B
+...@echo MSBuildToolsPath=%MSBuildToolsPath%
-...@echo Clean order_processor
 cd .\order_processor
-"%buildPath%\" OrderProcessorSolution.sln  /Clean
 @echo Build order_processor
-"%buildPath%\" OrderProcessorSolution.sln  /Build
+"%MSBuildToolsPath%msbuild" OrderProcessorSolution.sln /t:clean
-...@echo Clean business_service
 cd ..\business_service
-"%buildPath%\" BusinessServiceSolution.sln /Clean
 @echo Build business_service
-"%buildPath%\" BusinessServiceSolution.sln /Build
+"%MSBuildToolsPath%msbuild" BusinessServiceSolution.sln /t:clean
-...@echo Clean trader_client
 cd ..\trader_client
-"%buildPath%\" StockTraderWebAppSolution.sln /Clean
 @echo Build trader_client
-"%buildPath%\" StockTraderWebAppSolution.sln /Build
+"%MSBuildToolsPath%msbuild" StockTraderWebAppSolution.sln /t:clean
 @cd ..

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