About the security setting for the BS service and interoperability:

.NET is expecting a message with the following requirements,

1.       WS Security 1.1 (We need to agree on this)

2.       A SAML token as client credential signed and encrypted with the 
BSL.Com certificate (And the userID profile as a claim in that token)
In terms of security policy, this means you have a SymmetricBinding with X509 cert as protection token and an (probably bearer?) issued token
as a SignedEncryptedSupportingToken.

It is set up differently for Metro based BS service: SymmetricBinding with X509 cert as protection token and an keyed ssued token as an

There are 2 issues here:

1. The BS web service client may be created against a local copy of the service wsdl. In this case we have a mismatch of security setting between the
BS client and the BS server.
2. Even if the BS client is created from the live wsdl of the BS service, we actually have never tested the interoperability with issued token as other than an EndorsingSupportingTken (see the plugfest scenarios at http://mssoapinterop.org/ilab/). This is because of the use/lack of use of str-transform for signing SAML assertion in a message in
different platforms. It is being addressed but may take time.

To ensure interoperability in this stage, we should all use issued token with a symmetric proof key as an EndorsingSupportingToken. The issued token can be encrypted by the Active STS with the service certificate and of course signed by the STS.


Am I missing something, do I need to configure something else in the Metro 
Trader Client application to secure the messages and use a SAML token ?.


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