Take4 of the release passed on the Stonehenge Developer list with a vote of

8 +1 votes
No 0 votes
No -1 votes

Thank you everyone for your votes.  I will be moving the vote to the Incubator 
General List now.

-Ben Dewey

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Dewey 
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 1:23 AM
To: stonehenge-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: [VOTE] Apache Stonehenge M2 Release (take4)


As you may have seen from the incubator general list emails, some items have 
caused a rebuild and thus a re-vote.  I've produces a take4 version of the 
artifacts and they can be found below.

Apache Stonehenge M2 release artifacts are here:

The key is here:

RAT reports are here:

This release is tagged at:

Please test, review and vote on the release artifacts for Apache Stonehenge M2 

Vote open for 72 hours.  Please note you will have to vote again (i.e. votes 
from take1, take2, and take3 do not count).

Here is my vote +1.

Ben Dewey

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