EMPEROR'S CLOTHES, Monday, June 11, 2001


by Jared Israel with research by Rick Rozoff, George Thompson and Max

[News flash! Last night we received word from an employee at the airport in
Skopje that a Russian plane landed, was surrounded by Western personnel and
was forced to take off without unloading. We'll post more information if it
becomes available. - Emperor's Clothes.]

The Kosovo Liberation Army terrorists (Oops! I'm supposed to say, 'The
National Liberation Army or NLA;' plus I'm supposed to call them 'rebels,'
not 'terrorists') are now directly threatening Skopje, capital of Macedonia.

The London 'Times' has published a news report about this. It unwittingly
supports the charge that the terrorists are in fact a unit of NATO.

The 'Times' article is called "Macedonia on Brink of War." You can read it

Or read my comments first, and then the article.


The 'Times' article states that at least 800 of the Albanians attacking
Macedonia are members of the Kosovo Protection Corps:

"[These] KPC reservists were called up by their Albanian commander, Agim
Ceku, in March."

The Kosovo Protection Corps was created by the UN, or UNMIK, the UN
apparatus in Kosovo. In creating the KPC, the UN simply adorned the Kosovo
Liberation Army terrorists with new uniforms and equipment and a new name.
Of course, their nature did not change:

"Murder, torture and extortion: these are the extraordinary charges made
against the UN's own Kosovo Protection Corps in a confidential United
Nations report written for Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

"The KPC stands accused in the document, drawn up on 29 February, of
'criminal activities - killings, ill-treatment/torture, illegal policing,
abuse of authority, intimidation, breaches of political neutrality and

"The 5,000-strong corps, funded by UN members including Britain, has a £30
million aid budget for Kosovo. It was set up to provide 'disaster response
services'; instead, says the UN, it has been murdering and torturing people.
" (March 12, 2000)

The above quote is from the London 'Observer.'

Kofi Annan has not denied the existence of the UN report. Nor has he denied
the truth of the charges against the KPC.

But he has also not ordered the KPC dissolved. And, finally, and perhaps
most damning, he has not punished the UN officials who made these
terrorist-gangsters into a UN-sanctioned, UN-paid organization. And in doing
so, who criminalized the UN.

Now the KLA/KPC torturers and murderers have invaded Macedonia.

Even if the UN hadn't officially organized the KPC, it is the sworn duty of
UN officials to uphold the UN charter and try to prevent aggressive wars
rather than hiring terrorists and giving them nice new uniforms in which to
launch them.

Moreover, UN Security Council Resolution 1244, under which the UN and NATO
occupy Kosovo, calls on the occupation forces to protect the sovereignty of

* "The KLA and other armed Kosovo Albanian groups [must] end immediately all
offensive actions and comply with the requirements for demilitarization...

* "[The United Nations Security Council] condemns all terrorist acts by any
party [and reaffirms] the commitment of all Member States to the sovereignty
and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the
other States of the region, as set out in the Helsinki Final Act...

* "[The UN and the security forces operating under its jurisdiction in
Kosovo will see to the] demilitarizing the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and
other armed Kosovo Albanian groups."


According to the 'Times,' in March, KPC chief Agim Ceku called up the KPC

Concerning Mr. Ceku, he was (and still is) one of the two top leaders of the
Kosovo Liberation Army. The other top leader is Hacim Thaci.

The U.S. put Ceku in charge of the KLA in 1999. His obvious qualification:
he was artillery chief in the U.S.-led Croatian Army when it launched a war
of terror in the Krajina region of Yugoslavia. 250,000 Serbs were driven
from their ancestral homes.

Following the U.S. lead, the UN then put Ceku in charge of the Kosovo
Protection Corps.

The KPC was supposedly set up to handle natural disasters. One might
logically appoint an engineer to run such a group. But if the purpose of the
organization is to carry out ethnically targeted military aggression, one
would employ an expert in ethnic terror, such as Mr. Ceku.

The Times' article says Ceku 'called up' the KPC 'reservists.'

Called them up for what purpose?

The KPC was organized (officially) to handle natural disasters. It is under
UN command. When 'reservists' are called up, they are paid out of UN funds.

Why would the UN permit the mobilization of 800 KPC 'reservists' when there
is no natural disaster ion Kosovo? Especially when everyone knows the KLA is
fighting in Macedonia and needs reinforcements?


Next, consider the matter of maps. Maps of Macedonia, that is. Military
maps, I presume.

The London 'Times' reports that:

"Embarrassingly for the alliance, they [the KPC reservists] are making use
of maps issued by Nato for the Kosovo Protection Corps."

Isn't it charming how the 'Times' employs the term, "embarrassingly," as if
NATO had committed some breech of etiquette. Let's see. Would that be
"embarrassingly" as in you order the wrong wine to go with your date's
grilled shark? Or would that be "embarrassingly" as in you get nabbed
driving the getaway car at the St. Valentine's Day Massacre?

Since NATO issued them and the KLA is using them for an invasion, it is
reasonable to assume these are detailed maps, including roads, location of
various facilities and topographical features such as hills, etc.

Macedonia is a sovereign state. It is not under NATO or UN control. The
Kosovo Protection Corps has no valid reason to set foot on Macedonian

The KPC is supposedly not a military entity. It is under UN, not NATO

Putting all this together, for what purpose would NATO provide the KPC with
military maps of Macedonia?


The article states that after being 'called up,' the KPC 'reservists'
slipped off to training camps in Northern Albania.

One would assume that the UN, which is supposedly in charge of the KPC,
noticed this mass disappearance.

So let's see. 800 UN employees 'disappeared' to military camps to be trained
to attack Macedonia. One would assume this act was illegal. One would assume
the existence of the camps violates Albanian sovereignty. And training UN
employees to attack Macedonia definitely violates the UN/NATO mandate for
being in Kosovo, namely to protect the:

"...sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia and the other States of the region..." (Security Council
Resolution 1244)

Why wasn't NATO dispatched to destroy the camps and arrest the 800 criminals
and their trainers?

NATO wouldn't have had any trouble finding the camps. All they had to do was
ask the NATO officers who according to reports are continuing to train the
KLA just as they did in the past:

"The news report out of Krume, in northern Albania says this is why
negotiations for a long-term training deal are going on with the one- time
U.S. military officers who operate reportedly with semi-official Pentagon
approval. The mercenary company is identified as Military and Professional
Resources International. The article also asserts a British special forces
SAS unit is using two camps near Tirana, the Albanian capital, and another
on the Kosovar border to teach KLA officers how to conduct
intelligence-gathering operations on Serbian positions. According to the
Telegraph. The KLA and SAS -- within Kosovo and from reconnaissance missions
staged from Albania -- are using satellite and cellular telephones to
provide NATO with details on Serbian targets." ('UPI' April 18, 1999)


"Embarrassingly for Kfor, it emerged that two of the Kosovo-based commanders
leading the Albanian push were trained by former British SAS and Parachute
Regiment officers in the days when Nato was more comfortable with the
fledgling Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). [MY NOTE: If they got any more
comfortable they'd fall asleep.]

A former member of a European special forces unit who accompanied the KLA
during the Kosovo conflict said that a commander with the nom de guerre of
Bilal was organizing the flow of arms and men into Macedonia, and that the
veteran KLA commander Adem Bajrami was helping to co-ordinate the assault on
Tetovo. Both were taught by British soldiers in the secretive training camps
that operated above Bajram Curri in northern Albania during 1998 and 1999."
(My emphasis, 'Sunday Times' (London), March 18, 2001)

Did you notice? They used that word, "embarrassingly," again. Nothing as
embarrassing as supporting terrorists.

"Western special forces were still training the guerrillas, as a result of
decisions taken before the change of government in Yugoslavia. " (BBC, 29
January 2001)


The 'Times' reports that:

"Intelligence agents have pinpointed 16 illegal border crossings from Kosovo
used by the NLA..."

Ain't that swell.

But: if intelligence agents can pinpoint them, why doesn't NATO close them?
Better yet, why doesn't NATO do its duty under Resolution 1244 and the rules
of war as they affect occupying armies and set up ambushes and arrest these
terrorists before they cross into Macedonia?

"A military commander is responsible not only for criminal acts committed in
pursuance of his orders, but is 'also responsible if he has actual
knowledge, or should have knowledge....that troops or other persons subject
to his control are about to commit or have committed a war crime and he
fails to take the necessary and reasonable steps to insure compliance with
the law of war of to punish violations therefore.'" (From 'Nuremberg and
Vietnam: An American Tragedy,' by Telford Taylor, US Chief Counsel at
Nuremberg, page 58, © The New York Times Company, 1970. Taylor is citing US
Army FM 27-10, 'The Law of Land Warfare,' (1956) page 178.)

The NATO leadership is scandalized by suggestions that it should engage in
any such authoritarian behavior.

Anyway, even if NATO did arrest a few terrorists, we know from past
experience they would just turn them lose.

And isn't the notion of NATO ambushing the KPC terrorists as they enter
Macedonia a bit absurd since NATO has been training the KLA for several
years; since the UN gave the KLA official KPC status, uniforms, pay, and an
experienced ethnic cleanser for a leader. And since NATO has even given them
military maps. To paraphrase Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State,
"What's the point of having this great terrorist army if we don't use them?"


The London 'Times' reports that:

"Macedonia's coalition government came close to declaring war after five
Macedonian soldiers died in an ambush last Tuesday, but President Boris
Trajkovski has heeded European Union calls for calm."

You know, after the U.S. 'diplomat' and OSCE big wig Robert Frowick got
caught arranging strategy meetings between Macedonian Albanian leaders and
Kosovo secessionists including the terrorist leaders, Thaci and Haradinaj -
after that happened, a lot of people said European leaders were very upset
with the U.S., that the U.S. was way out of step and floundering in
confusion, and that this was heading towards a real split with the
Europeans, etc., etc.

First of all, if the U.S. is floundering, how come it always flounders in
the same direction? Some geniuses cite as evidence of "floundering" (or
sometimes "being trapped in a morass") that the U.S. says one thing publicly
and does another covertly. Like du-uh, that's called deception, not
floundering. They can't very well publicly admit to the American people that
they support terrorists, can they?

As for the imminent split between Washington and the Europeans, it has been
imminent for at least two years. What is the concrete manifestation of
European dissatisfaction? It is: that while the U.S. sends in the KLA to
terrorize Macedonia, and in particular to terrorize local Albanians into
joining the KLA, Europeans "call for calm."

Calm is wonderful but elusive when terrorists are machine-gunning your

According to the pro-NATO "Jane's Defense Review," the KLA's strategy in
Kosovo involved:

"The harassment and assassination of Serb officials and civilians from
Kosovo's Serb minority. This has included sniper attacks, Serbs dragged from
their vehicles and beaten, together with pressure on them to leave their
homes. The killing of a Serb policeman, Milan Jovic in Podujevo, a mainly
Albanian town 40km north of Pristina, by men with automatic weapons on 21
December was one such incident. This UCK tactic has the double benefit of
forcing Serbs to quit the province and provoking Serb police into
retaliation and subsequent censure by OSCE observers." (Jane's, 2/1/99)

One of the signers of the Petition to Free Slobodan Milosevic commented that
he was:

"...sign[ing] the petition because Mr. Milosevic did just that what a head
of state is supposed to do." 
( , signer #195)

What is the head of state supposed to do when his or her country is attacked
by a terrorist army sponsored by a Great Power that wishes to pulverize said
country? The head of state is supposed to use security forces to destroy the
terrorist force. Just the way a good doctor is supposed to use medical
technology to destroy a deadly disease.

By issuing "calls for calm" the Europeans are playing a treacherous role.
They are being the "good cops." The bad cop, the U.S.A., commands its
vicious attack-dog, the KLA, to lunge for Macedonia's throat. The good cops,
the Europeans, tell Macedonia, "stay calm. Talk things over. This dog could
be dangerous. You don't want anybody to get hurt." They try to prevent
Macedonian resistance. With friends like that...

And what about President Boris Trajkovski, who is correctly described by the
'Times' as heeding European calls for "calm?"

In this dance of subservience, President Trajkovski is always in step with
the Europeans.

To win, Macedonia needs to: 1) Replace President Boris Trajkovski; 2) Throw
out all the Western NGOs, human rights snakes, OSCE 'helpers' and U.S.
military advisers, public and private; 3) Declare martial law; 4) Jail
leading traitors and saboteurs; 3) Urgently request experienced military
volunteers from the Slavic east, which is the ultimate target of the NATO
assault on the Balkans.

In other words, Macedonia must act as if it is being invaded and its very
existence is at stake, which is the case.

Now is not the time for attempts to negotiate supposed grievances. The KLA
is not 'rebelling' in response to injustice. It is invading on orders from
the U.S. covert apparatus.

The U.S. Empire is preparing for low-intensity war against the former Soviet
Union. To this end, it must consolidate control over a devastated Balkans in
which political forces that would resist foreign domination and the U.S.
"drive to the East" - especially forces among the Greek and Slavic
populations - are weakened or destroyed.


The movement for 'Greater Albania' is presented in the media as a powerful
independent force. It is not. Rather, Washington has taken advantage of
certain features of ethnic Albanian culture, attitudes and recent history to
use some Albanians as a proxy army and a destabilizing force.

These features are: a highly authoritarian clan structure; a tradition of
violent, clan-based feuding; a strong current of anti-Slav racism; and an
unfortunate history of being used by Italian Fascists and German Nazis
during World War II. (1)

We discuss the ways in which Washington and its Kosovo Liberation Army used
these features of ethnic Albanian culture to 'turn' the Albanians in "Why
Albanians Fled Kosovo During NATO Bombing" and in shorter form in "What's
Behind KL:A Strategy In The Balkans?" (2 and 3, below)

As those pieces explain, it is most difficult to defeat the U.S./KLA
strategy. But a posture of accommodation definitely does not help.


The 'Times' comments:

"There's plenty of money around and they've got good weapons," a Nato
planner said [of the KLA]. "But we're hoping they've got the sense not to
start shooting down Macedonian helicopters."

NATO is hoping? Sure they are. "Just a-wishin' and a-hopin' and a dreamin'
and a-prayin'."

-- Jared Israel

Further reading:

1) The Roots of Kosovo Fascism at

2) "Why Albanians Fled Kosovo During NATO Bombing" at

3) "What's Behind Kla Strategy In The Balkans?" at

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