July 3, 2001 
War crimes court charges Milosevic
THE HAGUE, Netherlands (CNN) -- Former Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic has appeared before the
U.N. war crimes tribunal to be formally charged with
crimes against humanity.

Milosevic -- the first head of state to face trial in
The Hague -- did not have legal representation, having
said he did not recognise the authority of the

He told the tribunal: "I consider this tribunal false
and the indictment false. It is illegal so I have no
need to appoint counsel."

At his first appearance before the tribunal on
Tuesday, not guilty pleas were entered on Milosevic's
behalf by the court after he refused to enter one

He faces charges of crimes against humanity stemming
from the Yugoslav campaign against ethnic Albanian
separatists in Kosovo.

The case was adjourned until August 27 but the trial
was not expected to begin hearing evidence until next

Presiding judge Richard May told Milosevic he could
re-consider his decision not to appoint counsel as the
proceedings were expected to be "long and complex."

When Milosevic was asked if he wanted the indictments
read out he replied: "That's your problem."

His response was regarded as a waiver of his rights by
the court and the indictments were not read out.

Milosevic also refused to enter a plea, saying: "This
trial aims to produce false justification for war
crimes of NATO committed in Yugoslavia."

CNN's Christiane Amanpour said Milosevic appeared in
court with "his jaw jutted forward, he looked defiant,
and he kept looking at the public gallery."

Throughout the hearing, Milosevic tried to make
speeches, both in English and his native language, but
the judge cut him off politely, saying this was not
the time for speeches.

Amanpour said Milosevic regards himself as a hero and
NATO as the villains with the U.N. tribunal an arm of

Milosevic believes he was transferred illegally to The
Hague and that he was essentially kidnapped from his

He is accused of crimes against humanity for actions
carried out by the Yugoslav Army and Serbian security
forces in Kosovo in 1999, including murder,
deportation and prosecution of people on political,
racial and ethnic grounds. He faces life in prison if
convicted of any of the four charges.

Milosevic's advisors have said he feels he was acting
in the best interests of his country.

Since his extradition last Thursday, Milosevic has
spoken to his wife three times during what were
described as seven-minute conversations.

Milosevic's allies in Belgrade say that the former
president, who was forced from power in October,
believes he is being persecuted because he stood up to
NATO, refusing to sign a power-sharing deal with
Kosovo Albanians in 1999.

Milosevic's crackdown on ethnic Albanians triggered a
78-day NATO bombing campaign against Yugoslavia, which
ended with the withdrawal of Yugoslav forces from
Kosovo and the handing over of the Serbian province to
the United Nations and NATO.

In Belgrade up to 15,000 supporters gathered last
night to protest against his transfer outside the
federal government buildings.

Ignoring a ban on the gathering the participants,
mainly members of Milosevic's Socialist Party and the
ultra-nationalist Radical Party listened to speeches
and nationalist songs.



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