Belgrade, June 22, 2001         23:30  CET
After the major people's rally in support to the leader of country's independence Slobodan Milosevic, after almost all intellectuals and law experts of Belgrade University warned for the possible consequences of the threatened violation of the Constitution and thus creation of precedent in International Law by eventual extradition of president Milosevic to NATO court in the Hague, after the members of International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic have sent a similar appeal from the meeting of it's Standing Committee in Belgrade, the colonial rulers in Belgrade are threatening with new abduction attempt.
The DOS coalition suffered a first major political defeat. They were forced to withdraw their controversial Draft Law on Cooperation with the Hague Tribunal from the parliamentary procedure after it become obvious that it couldn't be adopted. Now they have another, even more anti-Constitutional proposal: regulations of "cooperation" with the Hague, including the extradition, or, as they said "surrender" of Yugoslav citizens should be adopted by - Federal Government! According to DOS leaders the session of the Federal Government should take place at Saturday, June 23, 10 a.m. CET.
Simultaneously, rumors are being spread in Belgrade that even new attempt of abduction of Mr. Milosevic can take place during the weekend.
If the Federal Government would decide by vote of its members, DOS majority could reach their goal. Federal Prime-Minister, Montenegrin socialist Zoran Zizic could then eventually resign. Reaction of the Federal Constitutional Court would then also be expected. Most hysteric of the DOS leaders state that eventual fall of "their" Federal Government would mean the end of Yugoslavia - their fear of early elections they hide by warnings that such elections would be senseless due to almost certain boycott of Montenegrin separatists, led by Milo Djukanovic. They don't even want to mention the fact that Socialist Party of Serbia and Montenegrin Socialist People's Party have enough seats in the Federal Parliament to form a new majority.
In this dramatic moment when USA-NATO puppets in Belgrade threat to the very existence of the country, not saying about its independence and sovereignty, the Socialist Party of Serbia calls all progressive forces world-wide to protest against USA international dictatorship and against the quisling and colonial policy of the Belgrade regime. Eventual International Law precedent with the extradition of the former head of state would destroy last traces of sovereignty of any small and medium-size country in the world.
Please come to Belgrade immediately and declare solidarity with our struggle.
Organize protests in front of USA and Yugoslav embassies. Give public statements, contact the media!
Send your protest letters to Belgrade rulers. Here are their fax numbers:
Federal President Kostunica: +381 11 3015 055
Federal Foreign Minister Svilanovic:  +381 11 3618 366
Serbian Prime-Minister Djindjic:  +381 11 3617 609
Serbian Minister of Justice Batic:  +381 11 685 672
To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan Milosevic)
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