Bush's Rebuff of Russian Membership in NATO

Over a year ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin suggested that Russia
could in the long-term become a NATO member. Many of us have been arguing
here and elsewhere that this should have been a long-term strategic
objective after the fall of the disbanding of the Warsaw Pact. Only
Russia's full integration into Europe can guarantee European security from
the east. Unfortunately, this point of view appears not to be shared by
President Bush as evidenced by his presumably carefully chosen words
delivered in Warsaw: he called for opening NATO membership to all
democracy-seekong states "from the Baltic to the Black Sea." This seems to
be yet another signal from Washington that Russia is not welcome in NATO. I
have offered an alternative -- associate membership -- in an oped piece
which has not been published. If it is not, I will send to JRL in a week or
Gordon M. Hahn
Hoover Institution
Stanford University 

Miroslav Antic,


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