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Recently, through an emergence of self proclaimed "experts" on Slobodan Milosevic and alleged Serb "atrocities", the propaganda is again flowing at a feverish pitch. Through self delusion these "experts" claim to have knowledge of every who, what, when, where, and how, has occurred in places they have never been to or never even heard of, until their "reliable" western brokers began to numb their minds with unsubstantiated tall tales which they now faithfully parrot themselves. The only thing certain (and painfully obvious) is the lack of time spent by these "experts" in
researching any facts.

One such example (mind boggling to still hear at this point), is the continued reference to so called "mass graves" of "innocent" Albanians. Even much of the western "media" has pretty much given up on that fairy tale, with the exception of a few diehards, and of course, those self proclaimed
"experts", who either don’t realize or don’t care, just how concretely they have solidified the obviousness of their ignorance.

After an extensive inquiry involving the team of experts from 14 countries, the ICTY found 2108 bodies, while even Carla del Ponte stated that the number included Serbs, Albanians, and other non-Albanians. Apart from that, the chief persecutor (not prosecutor) admits that even after this extensive inquiry it was not yet established how these people were killed. Not only that, del Ponte's report also failed to answer two questions: who are the victims? And who killed them? An army of experts was recruited by the tribunal. They were equipped with the latest gadgets. They spent months
combing Kosovo in a macabre hunt for bodies to justify NATO's war. NATO leaders promised that vast numbers of mass grave victims would be unearthed. The cameras were ready to roll. And then came the report: 2,108.

As Juan Palafox, Spanish forensic put it: "They told us that we were going to the worst zone of Kosovo. That we should prepare ourselves to perform more than 2000 autopsies. That we would have to work until the end of November. The result is very different. We only found 187 cadavers and we are going home."

How many were killed by NATO bombs?

Spanish forensic scientists reported that about half the 187 bodies they exhumed were victims of NATO raids on the prison at Istok. Most of the rest were men buried in individual graves facing Mecca - highly unlikely massacre victims Remember - the Spanish forensic experts were told that the inmates who died when NATO bombed the prison at Istok were victims of the Serb monsters..

It was extensively reported during the war that NATO bombs killed more than 75 Albanians returning home in one convoy in April and more than 75 in another convoy, bedded down for the night in Korisa, in May. How many other Albanians were killed when bombs fell on their houses? How many Serbs? Roma ? Slavic Muslims? Ethnic Turks? Etc.

Since the NATO occupation of Kosovo, western media have reported at least one hundred children killed by unexploded cluster bombs. Mustn't some other people have been slaughtered by these horrible weapons during and after the

LA Times reporter Tom Watson was in Pristina during the bombing. He reported seeing no evidence of Serbian atrocities. But Watson did see Albanians who had been killed by NATO bombs.

How many of the alleged 2,108 are Yugoslav soldiers, killed in NATO raids? How many are KLA members, mistakenly bombed by NATO? We know of two such incidents. In the first, NATO A-10's strafed a KLA-captured hamlet in Kosovo,
near Albania. In a second case NATO planes mistakenly bombed a KLA base in Albania. How many other times did NATO mistakenly bomb KLA positions inside Kosovo? And how many of these people are now being unearthed as victims of Serbian atrocities?

What about KLA members or Yugoslav soldiers killed in civil warfare?

In the winter of 1998-99, the Western media often reported that 2,000 people on both sides had died in this civil war, which began in Feb. 1998. Many argued that the 2000 figure was inflated. In any case, those victims were buried and, one would assume, dug up by del Ponte's forensic experts. How
many of the 2,108 in del Ponte's list are KLA members or Yugoslav soldiers killed during the fighting that raged during the bombing and for a year before the NATO attack began?

What about Loyalist Albanians "Punished" by the KLA?

It is documented fact the KLA murdered members of ALL nationalities, prior to and after NATO bombing, including Albanians who were loyal to the Yugoslav government.

FBI investigators say they found 200 bodies. About 150 were buried in graves in Kacanik and Kotlina. Well, Kacanik and Kotlina were places where the 162nd KLA brigade under Commander Bardhi slaughtered loyalist Albanians. In early
April 1999, 12 Albanian villagers were murdered in the Pec area by one of KLA Commander Ramush Hajredinaj's men. How many more KLA Albanian loyalist victims have been morphed into KLA martyrs?

Since the NATO military occupation of Kosovo, tens of thousands of Roma, as well as Turks, Gorani, Muslims, and others, have been terrorized by the KLA. This was also happening during the bombing. Unknown numbers were killed. Did their bodies vanish? Or have they been unearthed by del Ponte's crew? It is also known that over 1,000 Serbs have been murdered and over 1,300 kidnapped and still missing.

According to data of the Provincial Secretary of Interior of Kosovo and Metohija, from the beginning of 1995 to the end of 1997, Albanian terrorist gangs committed 1075 known armed attacks on police and 870 on citizens of all
nationalities, 364 people were killed, 122 policemen and 242 civilians, including 97 Albanians loyal to the state of Serbia. 605 persons were seriously wounded, among them 426 members of the Serbian Ministry of Interior. From January 1, to August 30, 1998 they committed 1126 known attacks in Kosovo. Among these, 616 attacks were committed against police officers. During 1998, they killed 173 residents of Kosovo. From January 1st to June 1st 1999 they killed another 169 civilians. These are attacks documented, how many were not? Also, these figures represent only ambush
attacks. They do not account for any other crimes such as kidnappings or mass groupings of bodies discovered.

Do you recall the spate of KLA terrorist bombings in December of '98 and January of '99? Serbian civilians were blown up as they sipped a drink in some Pristina cafe.

Do you recall incidents such as the one on December 14th 1998, when Ivan Radevic (26), Ivan Obradovic (25), Dragan Trifovic (18), Vuleta Gvozdenovic (18), Svetislav Ristic (17) and Zoran Stanojevic (17) were killed in a KLA terrorist attack committed at 8:10 pm in the "Panda" cafÊ in Pec. Armed
Albanian terrorists opened fire on the guests of the cafÊ from the front door.

Indeed, prior to the bombing, the KLA's main strategy, as described by Jane's Defense , was: "The assassination of Serb officials and civilians from Kosovo's Serb minority. This included sniper attacks, Serbs dragged from their vehicles and beaten, together with pressure on them to leave their
homes. "

While "experts" speak of "atrocities", there is of course, no mention of Glodjane, Klecka, Orahovac, Izbica, Lipovica, Klina, Volujak , Gnjilane, nor Junik, just to name a few, which were sites of KLA murders of members of an unquestionably civilian population. These were sites of SOME of the REAL
mass graves in Kosovo - before and after NATO

Glodjane, September 8th 1998. Six mass graves and execution grounds, where Albanian terrorists murdered Serbian civilians, were found. 37 Serb civilians
were discovered. According to testimonies given by apprehended Albanian terrorists, members of the KLA brought kidnapped Serb civilians to the banks of the channel connecting Bistrica River and Radonjic Lake, shot them and
dumped their bodies into the channel. Two female and two male bodies were found on the banks, while an additional 16 were fished out of the channel in various stages of decomposition. One female body was missing half its scull,
and another was riddled with 17 bullet wounds. An additional four bodies were found in a shallow grave 100 meters away. Some bodies floated to the lake, and were recovered there. Examining Magistrate, Rajko Gojkovic, described the scene as monstrous, since many of the victims were mutilated and tortured before being executed. Several other shallow graves were discovered near Glodjane, with mutilated, beheaded or castrated bodies. By September 13th, bodies of 37 Serb civilians were discovered. This included children and
elderly. The remains of others were found nearby and the count of 37 was not final.

Klecka, August 27th 1998. Located in the region of Dulja, on the Stimlje-Suva Reka road. Serbian police discovered a cremation oven in the lime factory in the Klecka village, used to dispose of murdered Serbian civilians. Klecka contained a KLA base including a training camp and a munitions depot.
Captured KLA terrorists from Malisevo, Lyan Mazreku and Bekim Mazreku, told police that in July, 1998 the KLA captured, killed and burned 22 Serbian civilians in the village of Klecka, some 45km southwestern of Pristina. Civilians were put before a firing squad and executed. Several partially
burned bodies remained The bodies of 22 Serb civilians were found.. One of the KLA terrorists, Lyan Mazreku admitted that the KLA rounded up about 100 civilians in Orahovac, under the command of Fatmir Lima, Gani Krasnici and Hismi Kilya. They transferred them to Klecka where they proceeded to rape, in front of everyone, all the females, regardless of age, including children. Also, Mazreku admitted to raping and cutting off a little boy's ear. He described how people's limbs were amputated, eyes gouged, heads cut off, and various organs removed before they were finally shot. Another KLA terrorist, Bekim Mazreku admitted to having personally killed 5 men, 3 women and 2 children ages 7 and 11 years. He confirmed that a KLA firing squad executed 22 civilians under the directive of Fatmir Lima, Gani Krasnici and Hismi Kilya.

According to Christopher Hill, then Special US Envoy to Yugoslavia: "I condemn the horrible massacre of Serb civilians committed by Albanian terrorists. The United States are shocked by the brutalities in the village of Klecka. Whoever did this must be punished. The United States do not
support the armed battles of the KLA and condemn every kind of aggression, as well as the kidnapping of civilians."

Orahovac, April 6th 1998. Bodies of 6 ethnic Albanians, all residents of Klina area were found: Berisa Saljiu, his brother Avduljaj Bajram, Zogaj Ibrahim, his sons Ramadan and Fadilj, and Salijaj Ibrahim, were found near the Orahovac-Malisevo road. They were government loyalists who three days before, had been kidnapped by the KLA.

Ugljare , August 24, 1999 - In the village of Ugljare, ten kilometers east of Gnjilane, 15 bodies in a mass grave of Serbs who were believed to have been kidnapped on July 10 by Albanian terrorists were found. All were transferred to morgues of the health center in Gnjilane where three persons
were immediately identified. They were Dragan Tomic from Ranilog and brothers Djordje and Zoran Zdravkovic from the village of Glogovce near Lipljane.

Gnjilane, August 27, 1999 - The discovery of another mass grave with bodies of 50 Serbs in the outskirts of the Gnjilane area Serbs who wanted to learn the fate of their relatives or friends after the discovery of a first grave with 15 bodies, were told by an unnamed UN police officer that another grave
with 50 bodies had been found in the vicinity of Gnjilane and an investigation would be undertaken soon.

Gnjilane, September 7, 1999 - 17 people of Serbian nationality were found buried in a residential area of
Cernan Cesma in Gnjilane

Pec, September 14, 1999 - 20 Serbs found in a well in the "Istok" area. After KFor's arrival, more than 40 Serbs had been kidnapped there. David Perovic, a priest who visited the area September 11 and 12 said that five men set on fire together with pigs in the "Istok" prison were among those found. 20 out of the 40 abducted, were dropped in a deep well called "Jama" (The hole), which was covered with concrete. According to three witnesses, a monk Stefan Puric, from the "Sveto Preobrazenje" monastery in Budisavci, kidnapped
in July, was among those killed. According to the witnesses, father Stefan was brought to Istok where he was violently tortured and subsequently murdered by Albanian terrorists.

And there’s plenty more, if self proclaimed "experts" care to ever do any real research.

Getting back to NATO, the real criminals, it's an old story. A crime is committed in high places. Using the influence of power, a campaign of disinformation is launched to cover-up the crime.

Two thousand bodies. Aside from the fact that nobody could possibly be certain of the identities of all those people, aside from that: Two thousand bodies? For this the armed might of the entire Western world was directed against Yugoslavia. This was the holocaust, reminiscent of Hitler, that justified a bombing campaign that killed and wounded thousands, drove
hundreds of thousands from their homes, doubled the level of poverty in Yugoslavia, eliminated non-Albanians from Kosovo, destroyed Yugoslavia's electrical systems, factories, bridges, railroads, polluted all of southern Europe and caused unknowable psychological damage to millions of children.

What we're left with is this: there is no evidence of atrocities" by Serbian forces. But we have plenty of other evidence of war crimes. According to most sources, NATO bombs killed about 2,000 civilians in Serbia other than Kosovo. Add that to at least 2,000 that NATO and the KLA have killed in Kosovo during and since the bombing, and we get at least 4000
killed. Who's the mass murderer!

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