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The political crisis in Yugoslavia seems to be abating. The public opinion is gradually calming down. Buy now, Mr. Milosevic’s extradition is history, so to say. The West, after its remarkable affair with “rendering financial assiatance to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia” has already been accused of all conceivable sins and then forgiven. So, the Yugoslav press is currently focusing on other themes which are mostly related to Yugoslavia’s and Servs’ cooperation with the USA, OSCE, and other international organizations, with individual Western public figures.
The central Yugoslav newspaper “Politika” tells of the Serbian-US Centre recently set up in Belgrade. This is a nongovernmental body largely aimed at “strengthening the relationships between the peoples of Serbia and the USA.” Serbian and American experts are supposed to actively work on the joint projects, they will prepare their assessment of the policy conducted by Milosevic towards Clinton and the US, towards Serbia, and they will exert efforts to build up the “military-strategic partnership between the two countries,” Svetozar Stojanovic, one of the centre’s founders says.
The newspaper “Glas Javnosti” writes of the interrogation of witnesses at the Belgrade office of the Hague Tribunal, of crimes committed by the “Liberation Army of Kosovo” - an etnic Albanian terrorist organization - against the Kosovo Serbs. The court proceedings have lasted for already a week and seems to be making no headway. Originally, Serbia and the Hague Tribunal draw up a list of 40 witnesses in connection with the crimes allegedly committed by LAK, and the list is likely to be expanded.
The newspaper “Vecernje Novine” has published an article called “Now you can see what we can make together.” The article dwells upon the situation at the Serbian police training centre located on the slopes of the mount Goc. According to the article, representatives of the so-called interethnic police from the Bujanovac, Presevo, and Medveja communities on Serbia’s south have started to be trained there. This is the project being materialized by jointly Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and OSCE, and there have been no indications so far that the project is going to fail. Of 99 cadets, 63 are ethnic Albanians, 35 are Serbs, and 1 is a Croat. “What has been reached on the slopes of the Mount Goc is the best example of a multinational cooperation in the former Yugoslavia, including Serbia’s south,” the article concludes, citing Yugoslav and British trainers. The duration of the courses is 12 weeks. Among trainers, apart from Serbs, are 2 Brits, 3 Norwegians, 3 Finns, 2 Turks, an American, an Estonian, and a Ukrainian.
The “Vecernje Novine” also writes of young people, ethnic Slavs, who have come from Australia, America, and Europe to help recreate Christian Orthodox churches destroyed or damaged during NATO bombardments in spring 1999. They started their work in the city of Sokograd in south-eastern Serbia, near the Ljubovia monastery. The young enthusiasts are then to move to the Fruska Gora in Vojevodino, where they will help restore the St. Savva monastery.

Prepared using the materials from «Radio Jugoslavija»

P.S. As has just become known from Western media, the Netherlands’ judiciary is to consider next week a suit brought by former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic against the Netherlands. In Mr. Milosevic’s view, he should be immediately released from prison, because he was actually kidnapped from his Belgrade prison cell and illegally handed over to the Hague Tribunal in defiance of all existing laws, in defiance of the ruling by Yugoslavia’s Constitutional Court.
“My civil rights have been grossly violated,” argues Mr. Milosevic. He is not going to be complacent and, in his words, is ready to mention in court many facts which the US and NATO would not like to be mentioned.
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