U.S. Plays Supporting Role In Macedonia

21-Aug-2001 4:29 PM U.S. EDT

 (AP)- With his miniature spy planes at 16,000 feet and guided by remote
control, U.S. Army Capt. Daniel Dittenber's pilots camped on the ground
aren't exactly in any danger.

That's just the way the Bush administration likes it. Putting hardware
instead of humans into harm's way is especially appealing to Washington
as the United States joins NATO's newest foray into the Balkans, a
mission to disarm from ethnic Albanian rebels in Macedonia.

NATO's ruling council was expected to approve that mission Wednesday and
clear the way for the full deployment of 3,500 troops after the
alliance's supreme commander in Europe recommended it Tuesday during a
session in Brussels, Belgium.

The mission comes at a time when the Bush administration is trying to
get American troops out of the Balkans, never mind sending more in. So
U.S. troops will play a behind-the-scenes role.

Only several hundred Americans will participate, focusing on limited
logistical duties. Dittenber, a 26-year-old officer from Turner, Mich.,
says the photographs his unit's reconnaissance aircraft will take should
play an important part in the risky mission.

``We keep an eye out for them. We make it possible for them to see the
bad guy around the corner,'' he said.

Unlike the NATO-led mission in Kosovo _ where the U.S. military charged
in on the first wave and settled in so firmly that its massive base,
Camp Bondsteel, has been nicknamed the Balkan Battlestar Galactica _
Americans are taking a back seat this time.

Roughly 9,000 Americans remain on patrol in Europe's most volatile
region _ 500 in Macedonia, 5,000 in Kosovo and 3,500 in
Bosnia-Herzegovina _ with no end in sight.

The Bush administration has made no secret of its desire to disengage
from the Balkans, although it has promised not to make any dramatic
troop reductions without consulting with its European allies.

It will be the Europeans who will pick up rebel weapons at collection
sites scattered across rugged mountain territory where firefights have
raged since the insurgents took up arms six months ago, saying they were
fighting for more rights for Macedonia's minority ethnic Albanians.
After a peace deal signed last week expanded those rights, the rebels
say they're prepared to hand in their weapons.

NATO has said it will deploy the full force only when it is confident
that the cease-fire is viable and lasting. Gen. Joseph Ralston, speaking
to the North Atlantic Council on Tuesday, said waiting would be riskier
than deploying now.

Although violence in the country has dramatically subsided, an explosion
early Tuesday rocked an Orthodox church in the town of Lesok, just 5
miles from Tetovo, Macedonia's second-largest city.

The Sveti Atanasi crumpled behind its twin-towered facade. Blue-toned
frescoes of saints lay in heaps of rubble, exposed to the elements for
the first time in decades.

Macedonia's culture minister, Ganka Samoilova-Cvetanovska, blamed the
rebels, who began launching frequent assaults on the village last month.
The rebels later denied they were responsible.

``Attacks on places of worship are totally unacceptable and undermine
the efforts of all those who are striving to restore peace and
stability,'' NATO Secretary-General Lord Robertson said in a statement

Fearing further instability, the Macedonian government postponed a
census of the country's population until next year. The census, required
under the peace accord, is one of the most delicate tasks Macedonia
faces, in part because ethnic Albanians say they account for at least a
third of the country's population. The government says that number is
too high.

Still, President Boris Trajkovski expressed new confidence that ethnic
Albanians and Macedonians would be able to start fresh, dismissing any
suggestion that NATO troops would help the rebels hold the territory
they've already seized by essentially solidifying the front lines.

``The U.S. has a moral obligation to the region,'' he told The
Associated Press in an interview Tuesday. ``We've been here as partners
for the last 10 years.''

U.S. forces have used Macedonia as a support base for their operations
in the Balkans, particularly those in neighboring Kosovo.

That means the Macedonia mission will be business as usual for Dittenber
and the other men and women of Alpha Company, 15th Military Intelligence
Battalion of the 504 Military Intelligence Brigade out of Fort Hood,

They are already flying the Hunter unmanned aerial vehicle from Skopje's
airport in support of NATO's mission in Kosovo, where ethnic Albanian
militants are widely believed to be smuggling weapons and supplies over
the border to their brothers in arms in Macedonia.

The soldiers can provide real-time video of what's happening on the
ground _ data critical to commanders in the field. The information comes
from a tiny plane that stands just 5 feet tall.

Chief Warrant Officer Kevin Williams, 37, of Houston, jokes that the
Hunter's pictures of the Balkans remind him of home.

``It looks just like a picture of Texas,'' he said.

Copyright 2001 Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.

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