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Yugoslavia is changing its ambassador to the USA. Milan Protic who has been occupying this post announced he is discharged for criticism of Yugoslavian government and of president Vojislav Kostunica. “It is completely obvious, that I am being dismissed not because of my bad work, but because I openly spoke about all I did not agree with”, the ambassador said after returning to Belgrad at the beginning of this month.
According to ‘Washington Times’, Protic accused Kastunica of organizing this discharge and called the Yugoslavian president “last defender of communism” in the country. According to Protic, too many representatives of former regime have remained in power.
Protic himself hates communism. He took part in the movement for overthrow president Slobodan Milosevic. Foreign ministry Goran Sviljanovic said Protic was being discharged because he was not performing now his important diplomatic work. The Minister supposes the ambassador has already fallen outside limits of diplomatic behaviour criticizing the government.
Protic was criticizing the government, because it could not co-ordinate its policy with Yugoslavian diplomats abroad. Many people in Yugoslavia were astonished at Protic’s step, when he invited the head of Serbian Orthodox church to sanctify Yugoslavian Embassy in Washington. Protic regarded this sanctifying as a symbolic one “after 60 years of communism”. And in some time the anti-Communist ambassador was recalled from US capital.
In his interview for Yugoslavian journalists Milan Protic said that if the country was governed by people who are loyal towards communists, he would not be able to find a place not only among ambassadors, but on the whole political stage.
The name of new Yugoslavian ambassador to Washington has not been declared yet.

Sergei Borissov

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