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The first phase of the “Essential Harvest” operation - collecting arms from Albanian extremists - is over. The operation has been suspended until the session of the Macedonian parliament, diplomatic sources in Skopje, Macedonia’s capital, report. The NATO leadership thinks that the arms collected over these 3 days are one third of the target figure, which affords, in their view, sufficient grounds for the parliament to start discussions over changes in the Constitution.
In the meantime, Macedonian parliamentary speaker Stojan Andov says a parliamentary session scheduled for tomorrow is likely to be postponed. According to him, there is no specific evidence so far that one third of the arms have really been collected. At present the parliament’s speaker is waiting for a confirmation from the country’s President Boris Traikovski that the terms of the agreement have been fulfilled. But the confirmation has not arrived yet.
In the meantime, even if the parliamentary session takes place as planned, one cannot guarantee there will be the needed majority secured for changes to be inserted in the Constitution. The point is that the representatives of the party “All-Macedonian Revolutionary Organization” (headed by premier Ljupce Georgijevski) in the parliament, oppose inserting the proposed amendments into the Macedonian Constitution.
Earlier, as PRAVDA.Ru has already mentioned, Premier Georgijevski called “ridiculous” the number of arms to be collected by NATO peacemakers from the ethnic Albanian “Liberation National Army,” that is, about 3,500 pieces. According to Mr. Georgijevski, the NATO’s plan is not only ridiculous, but also insulting for Macedonia. Because, judging by Macedonian intelligence data, LNA has from 60,000 to 80,000 pieces of various arms available.

NATO general informs Macedonian president one-third of arms collected so far
Broad majority for Macedonia operation (Breite Mehrheit fur den Mazedonien-Einsatz Abweichler auf beiden Seiten)
NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi
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