Dear Friends
We the Hellenic group of ex- NATO Generals for Peace and Disarmament protest  against the visit of 7 th  fleet to the civilian ports in Japan, so violating the Kobe Formula for the nuclear free ports.
The ruling class in USA is acting as the evil empire and try to subjugate all the world and install the world government.

And what are the leaders of the peace movement saying about all this? They say that they are having great success towards peace.

I would rather see them present to the world the real state of affairs. We are not moving towards peace today; instead we are moving towards the universal catastrophe that Einstein and others spoke of in the past.

I am asking the leaders of the NGO's - how long will they refuse to see reality? How long will we have the gift of time? The leadership of the peace movement must finally take the people of the earth on the streets.

When will they do it? When the world will be in flames? It would be too late.
We, the world Peace Movement have to act in solidarity with the Anti - Globalization Movement against the NWO and activate all people ,  all nations against the nuclear weapons and the modern technology armament, such as  Stars War and other mass destruction weapons.
Major General Kostas Konstantinidis(Ret)
the coordinator

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 1:02 PM
Subject: Kobe Formula: USS "Vincennes"

Five naval ships of the US 7th Fleet made simultaneous visits to four civilian ports in Japan on August 28. They entered the ports of Himeji (Hyogo Prefecture), Wakayama (Wakayama Prefecture), Nagoya  (Aichi Prefecture) and Shimizu (Shizuoka Prefecture).
This was the first visit by US warships to Himeji and Wakayama.
Himeji Port is in the same prefecture as Kobe Port, better known as the Nuclear-free Kobe Formula. Himeji City has also declared itself nuclear free, but the port's authority is the prefectural government, not the city government, while Kobe Port is under the city government's control. The prefectural government, after being urged by citizens, asked the vessel if it respected the three Non-nuclear Principles (not to manufacture, not to possess, not to allow the entry of nuclear weapons). The vessel didn't respond whether or not it carried nuclear weapons on board and came straight into the port.
After entering the port, Robert Rudan, US Consulate General to Osaka, stated at a press conference on board that he hoped that eventually US  warships would be allowed to enter the Port of Kobe. He also said that this port call was aimed at improving mutual friendship between Japan and the US, and said that Kobe was losing the opportunity to strengthen ties between our two countries.
No US warship has entered any ports in the prefecture since the Kobe Formula was inplemented in 1975. This portcall is obviously aimed at putting pressure on Kobe to abandon its nuclear-free Kobe Formula.
Five hundred protesters gathered at the port early on the morning of August 28 to protest against the entry of the US missile cruiser "Vincennes." Shortly before 8 am, the Vincennes entered the port to a chorus of protest. "We do not want US warships to use our civil ports," "Vincennes go home! Get out of our port!" were some of the slogans hurled at the ship.
Protests and demonstrations also took place in Nagoya, Wakayama and Shizuoka.
Nobue Kugimiya
(Hyogo Gensuikyo)
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