Only the Palestinian right of self-determination can bring about

Following the call of the broad platform “Stop the massacre in
Palestine” several hundred protesters gathered yesterday in downtown
Vienna on the occasion of the first anniversary of the new Intifada,
the Palestinian uprising against the Zionist occupation.

The platform initiated by the Anti-imperialist Camp was endorsed by
organisations ranging from the Socialist Youth to International
Leninist Current, from the Palestinian Community of Austria to the
Palestinian Students, from the Revolutionary People’s Liberation
(DHKC Turkey) to Islamic organisations including also the peace
movement and representatives of former Nazi concentration camp
inmates. Among the speakers addressing the rally there was even a
Green representative of the Vienna municipality.

The common platform is based on the Palestinian right of
self-determination which includes both the right of return of all
refugees as well as the right to build a sovereign state. The first
step demanded is the withdrawal of the Zionist occupation troops from
the territories conquered in 1967. The platform opposes the US and
NATO war drive under the guise of fighting terrorism and – while
mourning the innocent victims of the attack on the WTC – condemns the
state terrorism of the US and Israel having caused by far more
victims. The platform regards the US-led monopolar world order as the
prime cause for injustice, oppression and war.

Addressing the rally the representative of the Anti-imperialist Camp
added that peace with Israel will never be possible as Zionism is the
main instrument of the US hegemony in the Middle East. In order to
bring peace the imperialist yoke must be shaken off that implies both
the withdrawal of the Western military force from the Middle East as
well as the destruction of Israel as an exclusively Jewish state on
whose ruins a democratic and secular Palestinian state must be built
granting the right to live for all religions and nationalities
including the Jewish one. It precondition is the dismantling of the
current imperialist world order. But the inability of the US to
properly respond to the humiliation of September 11 shows its
vulnerability. The Roman empire and the Third Reich broke down, the
empire also will sooner or later.

The strong turn-out for the demonstration heading towards the heavily
guarded US embassy was even more a success as most of the Islamic
forces (which all have been invited to participate) exerted strong
pressure on the platform to call off the mobilisation in the wake of
the WTC bombing. Although we really experienced a considerable fear
the Arab and Islamic communities facing the chauvinist crusader’s
hysteria built up by the media this argument seems only to serve as a
pretext to withdraw from the demonstration. Apparently the real
is the reluctance of the Islamic forces as well as those close to
Fatah to support a demonstration dominated by anti-imperialist forces
blocking their attempt to integrate in Austria’s bourgeois system.
Therefore the profile given to the demonstration by the predominantly
juvenile participants was clearly anti-imperialist, left and secular.

As the next action of the platform a solidarity delegation was

About the solidarity delegation:

Antiimperialist Camp
PF 23, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel&Fax +43 1 504 00 10

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