Business this week
October 18th 2001
>From The Economist print edition 

Going bust

Bethlehem Steel filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. America's
second-largest steel maker joins 19 other steel companies that are
seeking protection from creditors. The business was suffering from
overcapacity and competition from cheap imports even before America's
weakening economy hit home.

492_1_7f> article: America's troubled steel companies  E+

Polaroid also filed for bankruptcy protection. The instant-photo firm
had been in poor financial condition for some years and will continue
seeking a buyer for all or part of the company.

492_1_7e> article: Bankruptcy on the rise in America  E+

Hanging up the phones

 AP <>      

Siemens, a huge German technology firm, announced that it would shed
7,000 jobs from both its fixed-line and mobile-phone operations and
close some factories to return the businesses to profitability.

British Telecom and AT&T agreed that it was time for Concert's finale.
The demise of their loss-making business-telecoms joint venture will put
2,300 people out of work and cost $7.3 billion; AT&T will suffer the
most, with charges of $5.3 billion.

GM said that profits in the third quarter had fallen by 54% to $385m,
excluding charges of $753m. Ford announced a quarterly loss of $692m.
After losing $752m in the previous quarter, these are Ford's first
consecutive quarterly losses since 1992.

France's government succumbed to pressure from mobile-phone companies
and cut the cost of third-generation mobile licences from euro4.95
billion ($4.5 billion) to euro619m. It also raised their duration from
15 to 20 years, but will still levy a tax on revenues. 

IBM said that profits in the third quarter were down by 19% to $1.6
billion compared with a year ago because of a fall in sales and
“challenging” conditions after September 11th. Intel reported that
profits in the third quarter were down by 96% to $106m, in line with

EMI, a British music group, said that Ken Berry, chief executive of its
recorded-music arm, would leave, victim of the company's inability to
improve profitability in America. He is to be replaced by Alain Levy,
formerly chief executive of PolyGram.

492_1_7d> article: Face value: No more Mr Nice Guy 

Banks lose out

Citigroup, an American financial-services giant, said that profits in
the third quarter were down by 9% to $3.2 billion. It cited falling
profits from investment and mounting insurance claims related to
September 11th. J.P. Morgan Chase said that profits were down by 68%
over the same period, to $449m.

Merrill Lynch announced third quarter profits down by more than half to
$422m, and said that it had shed 2,300 jobs to cut costs. More could
follow. In particular, the Wall Street investment bank is expected to
cut overseas retail brokerages.

Bank of America announced that profits had fallen by 54% to $841m in the
third quarter compared with a year ago. Increased provisions for bad
loans were partly to blame. 

Commerzbank, Germany's fourth-biggest listed bank, announced a round of
cost-cutting, including the loss of 3,400 employees, some 8.5% of the
total. It also ruled out restarting merger talks until its house is in

Subsidies in the air

The European Commission said that, despite its firm line on state aid,
it would allow Belgium's government to extend a loan of euro125m ($113m)
to Sabena, the country's heavily indebted flag carrier. Ryanair, a
leading low-cost airline, promised legal action to block the loan. 

As estimates for the cost of rebuilding Swissair more than doubled to
SFr3 billion ($1.8 billion), the Swiss government faced growing calls to
stump up more cash to keep its flag-carrier in the air. But a bail-out
may force the European Commission to take action: the Swiss have agreed
to abide by EU competition rules.

Deutsche Börse is joining the bidding for Liffe. The London derivatives
exchange is now being pursued by three European stock exchanges.

Highly competitive


Finland is the most competitive economy in the world, despite its rigid
labour markets, powerful unions and high tax rates, according to the
Global Competitiveness Report from the World Economic Forum. It
displaces America from last year's top slot. Of the 75 countries
included, Zimbabwe, experimenting with a more extreme form of socialism,
languishes in last place.

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