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Here's another article from the Russian press about the US
terrorist attacks.

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              PEARL HARBOR II: The Technology of Manipulation
    Did Washington know about the World Trade Center attacks in advance?

                               G. Shcherbatov

                    ARI (Agency of Russian Information),
                               Sept. 12, 2001

        Translated from the Russian, slightly abridged and modified

  Two years  ago, on the eve of the beginning of the 2nd Chechen War, when
  apartment  houses were being blown up in Moscow,  evidence surfaced that
  they  might have been  blown up  not by Chechen  terrorists, but by  the
  Kremlin,  to create a  pretext to  declare war. Now  some are voicing  a
  similar  theory in relation  to the  recent New York  terrorist attacks,
  i.e.,  that Washington itself  had a  hand in them.  If this sounds  too
  far-fetched for you, then read on.

  Live coverage  of the attack was just getting underway in  New York, and
  already  we were hearing  the words:  "Pearl Harbor, Pearl  Harbor. It's
  another  Pearl Harbor!" Just how  accurate this comparison was  could be
  judged by  the cold shiver that ran up my spine and the spines of others
  who remember their history.

  For  consumers of  hamburgers raised  on the  Hollywood version of  that
  tragedy,  "Pearl Harbor!"  is a  rallying cry  to destroy the  infidels,
  only  with Arabs this  time in the role  of the Japanese. I  can imagine
  how  fat-bottomed housewives all over America shed  patriotic tears into
  their popcorn  at the sight of those boys singing on  the Capitol steps.
  Those  more  skeptical of  official American  propaganda, however,  will
  find the following facts to be a good memory-refresher:

  On  December 7, 1941  a surprise  Japanese air-attack over  Pearl Harbor
  resulted  in   4574  casualties  (killed,  injured,  and  missing),  177
  aircraft,  two  destroyers,  two  squadron  minesweepers  and a  lot  of
  smaller  vessels destroyed. That day  went into US history as  a "day of
  infamy".  This   has  been  pounded  into  the  heads  of  all  American
  schoolchildren  for the  last 60  years. But what's  been beaten out  of
  their heads just as insistently?

  1.  On  January  27,  1941, the  US  ambassador  in Tokyo  informed  his
  government  that  "in case  of conflict  between the  United States  and
  Japan, the Japanese intend a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor".

  2.  The  legendary  Soviet  agent  Richard  Sorge  informed  the  Soviet
  Government  in October 1941  that "the  Japanese intend to  attack Pearl
  Harbor  in  the  next  60  days,"  and  received  an  answer  that  this
  information  had been  passed on to  President Roosevelt. (From  Sorge's
  admission, published in the "New York Daily News" of May 17, 1951.)

  3.  From September  1941 until  the moment of  the attack, all  Japanese
  communiques intercepted  and deciphered by American intelligence pointed
  to the  impending attack on Pearl Harbor, but they were not passed on to
  local command:  Documents published after the war show that the American
  base  in Hawaii  was deprived  of all  information about the  inevitable
  attack.  Even such  agitprop  as the Discovery  Channel is in  agreement
  with this.

  4.  On December 1, 1941,  the head of the Far East Division  of US Naval
  Intelligence wrote  in his report to the commander of the Pacific Fleet:
  "War  between the  United States  and Japan  will begin  in the  nearest
  future."  The report never reached the commander's desk,  because it was
  "accidentally" detained by his superiors.

  5.  On December 5, 1941 Colonel Sadtler from  US military communications
  wrote  the following telegram to his command, based  on information he'd
  received:   "War  with  Japan   will  begin  immediately;   exclude  all
  possibility of a second Port Arthur." This telegram was also detained.

  6.  The  Japanese'  answer to  Roosevelt's  ultimatum,  tantamount to  a
  declaration  of war, was received by Washington on the  6th of December,
  1941. Not a word of this was passed on to the Pearl Harbor command.

  In  addition to these  incontrovertible facts  there are the  memoirs of
  three  high-ranking commanders of the  US Navy, all participants  in the
  events  surrounding  Pearl  Harbor: Rear  Admiral  Kimmel,  head of  the
  Pacific   Fleet;  Fleet  Admiral  Halsey,  under   Kimmel's  command  in
  December, 1941;  and Rear Admiral Theobald, commander of the minesweeper
  squadron at Pearl Harbor.

  From Kimmel's  memoirs: "It was part of Roosevelt's plan that no warning
  be  sent  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands.  Our leaders  in  Washington,  who
  deliberately  didn't  inform  our  forces  in  Pearl Harbor,  cannot  be
  justified  in any way. The  Pearl Harbor command wasn't  informed at all
  about  ... the  American note  of November  26, 1941,  delivered to  the
  Japanese ambassador,  which practically exluded further negotiations and
  made war  in the Pacific inevitable.... The Army and Navy command in the
  Hawaiian  Islands  received  not  even  a  hint  about  intercepted  and
  deciphered Japanese  telegrams which were forwarded to concerned parties
  in Washington on the 6th and 7th of December, 1941."

  Fleet  Admiral Halsey: "Our intelligence  data spoke of a  likely attack
  by  Japan on the  Philippines or  the Dutch East Indies.  Although Pearl
  Harbor  wasn't  excluded  from  discussion,  everything  relayed  to  us
  pointed  to other objects of  attack. If we had known  that the Japanese
  were  continually   collecting  detailed  information  about  the  exact
  location  and movements of our  warships in Pearl Harbor  (which is made
  clear by  intercepted reports), we naturally would have concentrated our
  efforts on preparations to repel an attack on Pearl Harbor."

  Rear  Admiral Theobald: "An  incontestable fact  in the true  history of
  Pearl  Harbor  is  the  repeated  withholding  from Admiral  Kimmel  and
  General  Short (Navy and  Army command  in Pearl Harbor, who  were later
  made  scapegoats for  the catastrophe)  of supremely important  military
  information....  There's never been a  case in history when  a commander
  was not  informed that his country will be at war within a few hours and
  that  his forces will most  likely become the first object  of attack at
  sunrise."  Admiral Theobald cites  the testimony of Admiral  Stark (head
  of Navy  Headquarters in Washington, who hid Japan's factual declaration
  of war  from Adm. Kimmel), that he acted on orders  from above, which in
  his  case   could  only  mean  President  Roosevelt  himself.  The  most
  incredible fact is the withholding of information from Admiral Kimmel.

  Admiral Kimmel  and General Short were the lowest links in  the chain of
  command.  They were made  into scapegoats,  as we mentioned  above. Both
  were  forced to retire. The  highest link in the  chain, Roosevelt, died
  within  a few years, taking  to his grave other secrets  about that war.
  For example,  who he took orders from. Delving into a little history, we
  can reconstruct a chronology of events:

  In  November 1941 War Minister Henry L. Stimson, after  meeting with the
  presidential  administration on November  25, 1941, wrote in  his diary:
  "The  discussion was about how we should maneuver to  force the Japanese
  to  fire the first  shot, while  not exposing ourselves  to too great  a
  danger;  this  will be  a difficult  task.  The Japanese  air attack  on
  December  7th  allowed  President Roosevelt  to  announce  to the  whole
  country  that the surprise  attack had put her  in a state of  war (note
  the  condition of  today's US  armed forces:  delta, in preparation  for
  war).  The  "difficult task"  had  been solved.  And  America, you  see,
  already  had good experience  with such  "difficult tasks": In  1898 the
  American battleship  "Maine" was "sunk by a Spanish mine" in the port of
  Havana.  The  rallying cry  "Remember the  Maine"  was used  to whip  up
  anti-Spanish  hysteria in the  American population, after which  war was
  declared  on Spain. Many years  later, when the "Maine"  was raised from
  the ocean  floor it was established that the battleship's armor had been
  blown out by an explosion from inside the ship.

                                   * * *

  The  whole world is  talking today  about the tragedy in  America. Grief
  has  come  into  thousands of  homes.  Someone at  this  very moment  is
  agonizingly  dying under the rubble.  But that's not a  tragedy. Just as
  Pearl  Harbor paled in comparison  to the American bombings  of Dresden,
  Hiroshima  and Nagasaki which followed,  the enormity of what  awaits us
  will dwarf the tragedy of Pearl Harbor II.

  The  plotters of such mass-murders are  not mentally-incompetent maniacs
  of  course.  The deaths  of thousands  in and  of themselves  are of  no
  benefit  to anyone. What's important are the  consequences. That's where
  we'll uncover  the real aim of the plotters. We'll be able to get a good
  idea  of who  organized this  whole nightmare  by watching the  American
  leadership's  actions in  the near  future, and its  actions will be  as

  1.  The tragedies in New  York and Washington will  untie Israel's hands
  for  a  full-fledged war  against the  Palestinians. It's  hard to  even
  imagine what turn this could take.

  2.  The  USA  will  organize  a  land-based reprisal  operation  on  the
  territory of  the designated villain. American military men have already
  announced  that  it's  not  worth  spending million-dollar  missiles  to
  destroy  20-dollar tents.  If they decide  Bin Laden's the  perpetrator,
  American GI's  will soon be in Kabul. The US has  a wonderful tradition:
  once  its soldiers  have occupied  a given  patch of  the planet as  the
  result  of a "peacekeeping"  operation, they  can be smoked out  only by
  another,  opposing peacekeeping  operation. By the  way, from Kabul  one
  can  very conveniently  hit Moscow even  with tactical missiles.  Twenty
  years  ago such a reprisal mission wouldn't have  entered anyone's head.
  We would  have answered by landing our paratroopers in California. Maybe
  that's why the Trade Center towers remained standing all that time?

  Even supposing  Russian military brass swallow this all in silence, what
  about  the Chinese? The  Afghan mountains  offer an ideal  position from
  which  to destroy China's intercontinental ballistic  missiles at launch
  (and the  Yanks will never let the Chinese get a  foothold in the oceans
  or  in space).  Judging by  the recent  quarrels over  the American  spy
  plane, the Chinese might not be so "understanding".

  3.  Using defense  of its  citizens against  further attacks by  "outlaw
  states"  as   a  justification,  the  Pentagon  will  go  ahead  with  a
  full-fledged  anti-missile shield.  Its space-based  lasers can  already
  knock  any object out of  the sky. Once everything's in  place, who will
  dare to raise their voice in objection?

  4.  The introduction of total  control over the population  will help to
  prevent  further such  terrorist acts.  Modern computer technology  will
  create  changes in  society that  Orwell couldn't  have imagined in  his
  worst  nightmares. A microchip  fulfilling the role of  passport, credit
  card,  universal key  and medical  card can  be sewn  under the skin  of
  every citizen.  Using this chip the everyone's whereabouts will be known
  at  every moment. "Big Brother"  may have other uses for  the chip which
  we  "little  brethren" will  be entirely  unaware  of. Introducing  such
  measures  would raise a hue  and cry under normal  peacetime conditions,
  but  when airplanes are knocking down skyscrapers and  subway trains are
  exploding  citizens will quickly forget  about their rights in  order to
  secure the safety of their own behinds.

  In  short,  the perspectives  are quite  promising.  Just how  promising
  we'll discover soon.

         Added to Site: 20 Sep. 2001 - Last modified: 20 Sep. 2001

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