No. 186
September 13, 2001
[translation from RIA Novosti for personal use only]


     Colonel-General Sergei LEBEDEV, Director of the Russian 
Foreign Intelligence Service, usually does not comment on world 
events - for understandable reasons. But he made an exception 
this time.
     "The tragic events in New York and Washington confirmed 
the global nature of the threat of terrorism and the need to 
pool efforts to combat it," Lebedev said. "The Foreign 
Intelligence Service is maintaining close contacts with the 
secret services of the USA and partners from West European, 
Middle and Near Eastern countries. The main goal of these 
contacts is to expose and prevent potential terrorist acts."
     The opinion of Major-General of intelligence Yuri DROZDOV, 
the founding father of the legendary Vympel group, which is 
successfully fighting terrorists of all stripes, carries 
special weight today. Besides, the general knows very well 
about the methods of operation of the US secret services, 
because he had worked in the USA for a long time. 
     Question: How could this happen in the USA, whose security 
services are among the world's best?
     Answer: We can assume that the adversary was perfectly 
aware of the typically American weaknesses. They exploited them 
and provoked an international catastrophe. 
     Question: But who could organise and orchestrate such 
unprecedented slaughter so skilfully?
     Answer: I can tell you one thing. US manuals, which I know 
well, say that a group of seven trained people can disrupt the 
normal operation of human and industrial mass of up to half a 
million people. 
     Question: But if even manuals stipulate the notion of real 
danger, why did the secret services fail? 
     Answer: The tragedy confirmed that the secret services, 
created for the express purpose of ensuring security, did not 
work well enough. This is a weakness. But the main thing is 
that arrogance in the operation of secret services and neglect 
of the adversary always result in major miscalculations.
     Question: The US intelligence gets 30 billion dollars a 
year, but it is said the USA is enamoured with technical, in 
particular satellite, types of intelligence. 
     Answer: You know, certain documents have appeared that 
point in the opposite direction. The recruitment of agents will 
remain the top priority of intelligence. But the powerful 
technical facilities should have ensured maximum protection 
from potential terrorist acts. Alas...
     Question: Who could order the shattering tragedy?
     Answer: This is not the time for hasty conclusions. It is 
apparent that the action was carefully coordinated and 
prepared, with the goals and methods of attaining them clearly 
defined and orchestrated. I would not like to say this about 
bandits, but I will have to. They acted highly professionally. 
And their action was prepared for a very long time. 
     Question: Can one forecast the direction of the 
terrorists' strike and forestall them?
     Answer: This is concerned with a package of problems, with 
a great number of components. The notion of the protection of 
territory. The migration laws. The monitoring of people's 
movement. Proceeding from American documents concerned with 
these problems, one can assume that they include similar 
miscalculations and failures. Take the evaluation of the global 
situation. Are their forecasts of crises, big and small wars 
and regional clashes correct? Of what is happening and what can 
happen on our territory? If they evaluate the situation from a 
certain angle, they themselves are involved to a degree in the 
     The American tragedy calls for an in-depth political, 
specialised analysis so that, God forbid, they would not have 
to say next time: "Guys, you flopped again." In conclusion I 
would like to offer my condolences and the condolences of my 
colleagues for the dead and injured.

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