Title: Message


With all respect to the feelings of the American people: sometimes the materials and reports of mass media are really shocking. Some shouts of the Americans on the net are just disgusting. It was a couple of days ago when you blamed Russia for the inhuman policy in Chechnya, you criticized Moscow because the militia men were checking people’s documents everywhere in the streets. You called the Chechens “separatists” and had meetings with emissaries of the “independent republic” at the Department of State.

You bombed Yugoslavia which was running the policy of “genocide” in Kosovo. Now the “rebels” of Kosovo were stabbing the peacemakers in their motherland and seizing Macedonia.

So now you are ready to execute the Palestinians without any trial or investigation. You are calling upon everyone “just to destroy those scoundrels, to kill everyone, women and children, a bullet in the head, to tear them into pieces, to exterminate them”. Are you ready for genocide being the protectors of the innocent and the oppressed? “I wish our government could start the military operation as soon as possible. I would personally remove Afghanistan from the Earth, right on the night of that day, without even landing there. I would then start the overnight incursion in Palestine not leaving anyone alive there - either women or children. Any Arab country which would let out a squeak will lose its capital the same day. NATO would announce its support to America’s reaction but the opinions of other countries that are dependent on America’s economic assistance are not interesting to me”. This is an opinion from one of our readers from New York.

And here is a text which has just been sent by the Interfax news agency: “Dozens of attacks on the Moslems were registered in the USA and in Canada after the acts of terrorism which happened this Tuesday. Police stopped 300 people which were trying to arrange a demonstration near the mosque. Unknown people threw a bomb in the center where the people of the Arab community gathered – this happened in Chicago as well. A drunk 75-year-old man was persistently following a woman from Pakistan threatening to kill her for “destruction of his country”. Spokesmen for Kuwait’s embassy in the USA said the Kuwait’s nationals who attended American schools were insulted.

How much is left for the first step of America’s execution? One hour, two, three? If such material which is now published by The New York Times had appeared on the pages of some Russian papers, there would have been warnings following from the State Committee for Press; licences could be withdrawn too.

But it is not a matter of sanctions. There was no material of this kind in the Russian press which unfortunately can not be said about the American media.

Unknown terrorists destroyed the myth about democracy and tolerance, the myth about the only multi-national country in the world in which there was no nationalism or chauvinism. Show your true colors.

Sergei Snegov

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