----- Original Message -----
From: InfoTimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 11:04 AM

> ==================================================
> INFORMATION TIMES: http://www.InformationTimes.com
> ==================================================
> WASHINGTON, DC, USA, 10 October 2001 (InfoTimes): Pakistan
> Army's General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, was
> set on fire by one or more persons early Wednesday. Fire burned
> buildings, furniture and papers for more than five hours. Flames
> have turned the powerful GHQ into ashes.
> "The entire structure of the GHQ has been gutted. Furniture has
> been reduced to ashes. Dozens of offices have been burned
> completely," firefighter Abdul Qayum told AP.
> The fire broke out shortly after 4 a.m. on 10 October at the
> Pakistan Army's General Headquarters, said Major-General Rashid
> Quereshi, chief spokesman of Pakistani military dictator General
> Pervez Musharraf. He said the fire was brought under control
> shortly after 9:30 a.m. Hundreds of army officers work at the
> GHQ. No casualties or injuries were reported and the extent of
> the total damage is still not clear, Islamabad fire chief
> Mohammed Yaqoob told AP.
> Quereshi said an investigation into the cause of the fire at the
> GHQ has been launched. He said it started in a stationery store
> within the GHQ complex and spread through the wooden structure
> into other buildings.
> GHQ was burned to ashes after General Musharraf's police
> recently murdered several Pakistani citizens, who were
> protesting against U.S. and British warplane bombings and cruise
> missile strikes in Afghanistan; after he allowed the American,
> British and other foreign armed forces to use Pakistan's
> airspace, ports, land bases and airports to launch more military
> attacks against Afghanistan; and after the Pakistan Army Chief
> arbitrarily
> dismissed Interservices Intelligence (ISI) Chief General Mahmood
> Ahmed and Deputy Chief of Army Staff General Muzaffar Hussain
> Usmani to consolidate his illegal, unconstitutional and
> undemocratic powers to rule Pakistan at gunpoint.
> During his two years of corrupt and tyrannical dictatorship,
> General Musharraf transformed Pakistan into a repressive
> police-army state. Recently, Musharraf's police opened gunfire,
> killed, injured, arrested, tortured and victimized numerous
> Pakistani citizens who were protesting against the ruling
> tyrant's anti-Pakistan policies, decisions, operations and
> actions. Some victims of the ruling junta had reportedly
> threatened to burn General Musharraf and other generals in
> hell-fire.
> On October 10, 2000, the New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW)
> accused Pakistan's military rulers of committing widespread
> human rights abuses in the name of political "reforms" and
> called on General Pervez Musharraf to immediately return the
> country to constitutional rule, but the money, publicity and
> power hungry generals flatly refused to do so.
> In the twenty-page report, "Reform or Repression? Post-Coup
> Abuses in Pakistan," Human Rights Watch said the Musharraf
> tyranny had detained opponents and former government officials
> without charge, removed indepedent judges from the higher
> courts, banned public rallies/demonstrations and rendered
> political parties all but powerless.
> "Musharraf follows a long line of generals in Pakistan who have
> claimed that a period of military rule is the path to true
> democracy," said Sidney Jones, Asia Director of Human Rights
> Watch. "In fact, he is systematically destroying civil liberties
> in Pakistan."
> On March 25, 2000, when former Democratic President Bill Clinton
> went to Pakistan, Mike Jendrzejcyzk, Washington Director of
> Human Rights Watch's Asia Division, said: "President Clinton
> cannot ignore this abusive law that is being used to bring Dr.
> [Farooq] Sattar to trial. The military government has used the
> National Accountability Ordinance to detain scores of political
> figures, who often have no idea of the charges being brought
> against them. President Clinton should strongly object to this."
> The National Accountability Ordinance, adopted in November 1999,
> after the October 1999 military coup that brought General Pervez
> Musharraf to power, and later amended, gives the National
> Accountability Bureau (NAB) sweeping powers of arrest,
> investigation and prosecution. This barbaric and draconian law
> made by the military junta has converted the NAB-RAB officials
> into police officers, investigators, prosecutors, judges and
> assassins. Pakistani and international Press, including the
> Information Times, recently reported that several criminal
> NAB-RAB Punjab officials tortured and murdered a Pakistani
> citizen, Mian Muhammad Arshad Butt, 55, on Sunday, 30 September
> 2001 when he was in the custody of NAB-RAB.
> Republican Secretary of State General (R) Colin L. Powell leaves
> later this week for New Delhi, India and Islamabad, Pakistan, to
> improve U.S.-India-Pakistan relations, to reduce Indo-Pak
> tensions over Occupied Kashmir and to seek more support for the
> U.S.-led war against Afghanistan. Let's see what advice the
> Human Rights Watch will give to Secretary Powell about the
> Musharraf autocracy.
> [Syed Adeeb is a veteran American journalist based in the
> Washington area.]
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/InfoTimes/message/1121
> Post-Coup Abuses in Pakistan
> http://www.hrw.org/reports/2000/pakistan
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/InfoTimes/message/1119
> HRW Report on Human Rights Abuses in Pakistan
> http://www.hrw.org/wr2k1/asia/pakistan.html
> http://www.hrw.org/reports/2000/pakistan/pakio09-05.htm
> Amnesty International Report on Human Rights Violations Pakistan
> http://www.web.amnesty.org/web/ar2001.nsf/webasacountries/Pakist
> an?OpenDocument
> Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
> http://www.hrcp.cjb.net
> [Publisher: Information Times
> http://www.InformationTimes.com
> America's international daily Internet newspaper
> Chief Editor: Syed Adeeb - Washington, DC, U.S.A.
> Copyright © 2001 Information Times. All Rights Reserved.]
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