----- Original Message -----
From: hde_tollenaere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2001 12:12 AM
Subject: Uganda Women against War [fwd]

> Dear Sisters,
> We the women of Kaabong Women's Group on behalf of the rural grassroots
> women in Uganda, especially Karamoja region, are opposing military
> budgets, arms fairs, and highly condemn the acts of terrorism and the
> revenge the USA has taken. Women, children are dying innocently. We bring
> this message of millions of women deprived of their basic human rights and
> status in all parts of the world and we join the International Women Count
> Network in London as we come to the third Global Women's Strike in which
> shall all participate, with the theme "Invest in caring not killing".
> and children are the majority of those killed and wounded in armed
> conflicts, besides their hard work of life-giving, going through severe
> hardship, cleaning, nursing, building, walking miles for clean water. All
> of us who have joined the Global Women's Strike are here on earth as
> witnesses of thousands of people - women who suffer acts of violence and
> injustice caused by armed conflicts. We forced political and economic
> leaders to listen to us about military budgets, but we've failed to obtain
> even one satisfactory response to our demands. The demands stand
> It is up to us to continue acting with all anti-neo-liberal globalization
> and anti-sexist movements to force international financial institutions
> (World Bank & IMF) to radically change course and to make the UN assume
> veritable political leadership in the people's, particularly women's,
> interests. We must also find the means and the platform from which to
> continue our action to eliminate violence in the world. We have a lot on
> our plates.
> Members of Kaabong Women's group had a silence of prayers for all those
> died in the terrorists act in New York and Washington and for the Women
> Children who died in Afghanistan.
> Throughout history, women have crossed geographical, cultural and
> ideological borders in search of peace. We the women can find an end to
> this terrible act. Join us on the third Global Women's Strike so that we
> make it real: "CARING NOT KILLING"
> Yours in Power to the Sisters,
> Grace Loumo
> Met vriendelijke groet/Best wishes,
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Herman de Tollenaere
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> My Internet site on Asian history and "new" religions:
> http://www.asianhistory.myweb.nl/
> See also SIMPOS, information on occult tendencies' impact on society:
> http://www.stelling.nl/simpos/simpoeng.htm
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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