BBC. 29 May, 2001, 13:36 GMT 14:36 UK. US bars Kissinger in Pinochet

A US embassy has reportedly told a French judge probing the 1970s
disappearance of French citizens in Chile that it does not want him to
question former secretary of state Henry Kissinger.

French Judge Roger Le Loire is looking into allegations that five French
citizens who disappeared in Chile during General Augusto Pinochet's
military regime were kidnapped and tortured.

French justice officials on Monday delivered a summons to a Paris hotel
where Mr Kissinger was staying on a private visit.

But the US embassy in Paris told a French court that Mr Kissinger had
other obligations and was unable to appear [!!!!], judicial sources said
on condition of anonymity.

The former US secretary of state under Presidents Richard M Nixon and
Gerald Ford, was under no legal obligation to answer the summons.

A spokesman for the US embassy said officials wished the court had not
gone directly to Mr Kissinger with the request.

"We understand that the court is examining a period when Dr Kissinger
was an official of the US Government," spokesman Richard Lankford said
[with great understatement].

"We therefore believe the court should present its request through
government channels to the Department of State."

Lawyer William Bourdon, who represents families of French citizens who
disappeared during the 1973-1990 Pinochet regime, had requested the

Mr Kissinger's testimony is wanted in connection with alleged exchanges
between US and Chilean secret services that took place after the 1973
coup that brought General Pinochet to power [to put it mildly!!].

A Chilean judge has indicted General Pinochet on homicide and kidnapping
charges, holding him responsible for the atrocities committed by the
Caravan of Death, a military group that executed 75 political prisoners
shortly after the coup in which the general ousted President Salvador

General Pinochet is currently under house arrest and awaiting trial in


Barry Stoller

Proletarian news & Leninist debate

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