“Oh dear... another interesting invention.....”


Oh dear, another pedantic, condescending snootful…


“Some of the criticism of me are indeed of ‘positions’ I haven't

espoused, and are therefore invented.”


Patently false and already covered in a previous correspondence.


It might be clear to you, but it's a mystery to me how you can

come to that conclusion - I hope I never put victims on a moral

par with their attackers.


Mystery solved!! See below passages, from your correspondence of May 2nd:



some anti-militarist campaigners are alienated by the fact that

many postings on the list put forward views which _are_ anti-

NATO but which are not anti-militarist - they support

militarism and so on if it is anti-NATO militarism.  To a lot

of people this is illogical since it perpetuates the NATO

mentality rather than opposing it.


2)  Similarly, there is a unified political line amongst many

of the contributors: it's a political line which is as

nationalist and reactionary as that found amongst many pro-NATO

people.”… And I get the impression that

some people's motivation is not primarily anti-NATO but simply

Serb nationalist/chauvinist, which happens to manifest itself

(understandably!) as being against NATO amongst other things.


(and recall that you were invited specifically to identify who these militarists and chauvinists were, what were the odious causes they represented, etc, and never responded. Just like you were asked to identify the “peace movements [you’re] involved with” [your correspondence of May 13th] to state what their positions were on Iraq sanctions before the start of Operation Desert Storm, whether they called for “sanctions, not war” in the run-up to Desert Storm, whether they opposed the imposition of sanctions on Yugoslavia at the moment they were implemented, and we got no response from you on that either. Your affected wonderment at the idea that it’s now fashionable in “The Movement” to oppose Iraq sanctions, and claim to not even know what “The Movement” refers to, are too silly and I won’t dignify any of it with a response. I worked in NGO’s for 16 years Mr. Beale – don’t bullshit me.


You introduced your discussion of the Stop Nato list’s merits with insinuations about list members and what you suspected to be their lack of involvement in constructive campaigns, though your knowledge base for making such insinuations was zero. Since that time, and in all my time on the Stop Nato list, we haven’t heard a thing about all the campaigns and actions that you and “the peace movements [you’re] involved with” are doing to “Stop Nato” or what they did/are doing to “Stop Nato” in the Balkans – not one single post – though there’s absolutely nothing stopping you and all these “peace movements [you’re] involved with” from literally flooding the list with such announcements and appeals. It certainly wouldn’t involve any extra effort or expense on your part – merely the addition of a single e-addy to your “send group,” a few keystrokes, nothing at all, really.)


“I'm not sure that cases of inter-personal violence are a very

good analogy for inter-state violence, except inasmuch as all

the violence done by all states is ultimately against

individual people who then suffer.”


Analogies can only highlight one or certain shared aspects of different situations.  That’s why they’re “analogies.” The purpose of this analogy was to point up who the aggressor was.  On that (intended) level – it holds.


“Everything I have said about HRW is perfectly consistent - I

don't understand your point.”


Then I’ll restate it for you. What you said about HRW (or implied, take your pick, it really doesn’t matter) in your correspondence of May 2nd to Rick Rozoff was, that HRW tries “to support human rights in all

contexts,” and so I will just ask you to confirm (that means “yes” or “no”): does HRW try to “support human rights in all contexts” and if the answer is “yes” could you please explain (I repeat) why they call for Nato to arrest Serb “war criminals” in Bosnia though they’ve never called Nato to account for their “textbook war crimes” (to quote American social democrat Prof. Robert Hayden) against Yugoslav civilians?


“I'm afraid that

in the real world the truth is usually messy; the world doesn't

divide into camps of the all-good and the all-bad as some

people on the list seem to think.” (yours of May 13th)


“Maybe that's because I don't have a final "position" on every

issue, but think that the truth is sometimes better found by

asking questions than by making dogmatic statements.” (yours of May 29th)


Once again, the “people on the list” with the offending perspectives aren’t identified, but your trite and condescending observation that reality is always more complex than the words we choose to describe it is true, and as much so for what you say as for what others say, btw. And if you’re not ignorant just for disagreeing with someone (your response to Barry Lituchy) then I guess that means I’m not “simplistic” and “dogmatic” just for disagreeing with the great Albert Beale.


What is simplistic and dogmatic (and see if this sounds familiar) is to equate everyone’s military activity and military preparations in the Balkans – including self-defense – with “militarism” and to equate everyone’s (except the West’s, and England’s) insistence on sovereignty with “tribalism” or some retrograde “nationalism.” This analysis has the benefit of rationalizing cop-outs for people like you, and giving Nato a free hand, but accomplishes nothing else.  Serious human inquiry into any situation progresses by sorting and ranking the available facts by their weight of importance and their explanatory force, because not all facts in a situation are of equal importance.  And as Lester Schonbrun has already pointed out to you, it’s a weighty fact of major importance that the West saw the instrumentality of breaking up Yugoslavia (by violence, if necessary) in the pursuit of its goal of dominating southeastern Europe politically, militarily, and economically, and it’s a weighty fact of major importance that the West had no “defensive” or rightful or legal basis whatever in its military involvement in the Balkans. These weighty and important facts tell us that we’re dealing with imperialism here, and we’re not “chauvinists” or “simplists” for calling it such.  But I can understand why the simplistic and dogmatic analysis is preferable to the social workers of the New World Order who live off the teat of “foundations” or “grants” or whatever, and whose fundamental loyalty is to the system.


You’ve really got some gall to be dishing out tut-tut’s to people on the list in Southeastern Europe – countries directly in the path of the Nato/IMF rampage, and whose people have been immiserated and terrorized by Western institutions – about their “nationalism” and “militarism.”  For the first year or so after the Nato OAF blitzkrieg, when I made contact with any people in Serbia on the internet or elsewhere, my very first personal communication to them was to say “I’m so sorry for the destruction which the government of my country has helped to inflict upon your people.” It would never have occurred to me to lecture them about their nationalism, nor does it now.  Thanks for providing us with another real-life example of the Herrenvolk whom Kosta was talking about.  Dr. Nadic really had your number.


“I'm sorry that you seem to send out such anger towards people

you disagree with.”


Oh, don’t worry about it!



































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